Dear Mom . . .

Dear Mom . . . Letters of Hope from Our Hearts to Yours

Sweet Mama, we’ve got something special in store for you. Over the next week, we want to deliver hope straight to your hearts. We know that you serve tirelessly each day. We know you meet needs that  no one ever seems to realize is well beyond your own abilities. We know you feel alone and often overlooked. We know you wonder if you’ll ever make it through to the finish line — whether that is seeing the day your little one begins preschool or watching your senior cross the graduation platform. We know. Because we’re mothers and daughters.  Because we’re…

Facing the Fear of Failure

The Fear of Failure

At some point, we all fear something. As children we are scared of monsters under the bed, the boogeyman in the closet, or in the case of one of my nieces. . .the tooth fairy. But, as we grow, fear begins to take on a more real form in our lives. Have you ever been afraid to fail? Have you ever let the fear of failing keep you from going after something you wanted? Maybe it’s applying to your dream school, giving your testimony at church, or even holding off on dating because you are fearful of what a new…


Hope For When Our Efforts Aren’t Fruitful

As moms, we hope and work hard to help our children do and be their very best. Very often, it’s how we measure our effectiveness. But what happens when all our hard work seems useless? When we’ve been tireless in our encouragement and direction and our kids don’t seem to be one inch closer to success? Just this week, we’ve both experienced this. And we’ve fought overwhelming feelings of hopelessness and discouragement. All of our feelings of inadequacy and guilt load up our hearts, making them feel heavy. However, that’s not what God desires for us. It’s during these times that looking…

Shine Bright Devo Study & Inventory

Welcome, Nebraska friends! What an honor to serve you this weekend and encourage you to shine bright. We hope the message rests deeply in your heart and that these resources will inspire you to live reclaimed, redeemed, and repurposed, as God created you to be! *** Did you know that God has made you to shine bright in this world? [Tweet “God has created you to be a light-dweller, a brightness carrier!”] Yes, you are created to be His bright light shining in this world. He’s prepared to do the light-shining work in you, but He requires your willing spirit …

Prayer of a Mentor

The Prayer of a Mentor

Do you feel called to mentor? Are you longing to impact the next generation? Your children? That neighbor girl? The younger women rocking her fussy baby in church? Well, there’s a pretty good reason for that longing in your heart. God put it there. He’s calling you to reach out and serve from the overflow of Him in your life, even if you feel unqualified and ill-equipped. He’s preparing you to meet those needs, not by your strength but by His grace. [Tweet “Yes, being a biblical mentor is a calling that must be laid before the Lord. “] We…


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