Living Out Our Faith

If I Could Start Motherhood Again

Two Things I’d Do Differently If I Could Start Motherhood Again

From this vantage point, with my oldest leaving the nest, getting ready to start her adult life as a married woman, and my youngest just shy of turning sixteen, I have perspective on what I would do differently as I’ve come to see the truly sacred work of motherhood. God designed the relationship between mother and child as one to provide the kind of emotional AND physical security that lays the foundation for development.  Studies upon studies show the impact an emotionally engaged and present mama has on her child. And yet, how many of us (I’m raising my hand)…

Fixing Your Gaze on What Matters Most

Fixing Your Gaze on What Matters Most

As I gazed out the window of my living room on a quiet Saturday morning, only interrupted by the snoring of the dog and the humming of the appliances, I took in a deep breath to savor the moment as my eyes settled on a sight I’d never seen before. At least a hundred times I’ve looked out this window, but I had never noticed the landscape quite this way. It was like the trees were climbing up the hillside to touch the sunrise. What changed, you may ask? The answer is simple. My focus. Between my window and those climbing…

When You Belong to Christ, Podcast #704

When You Belong to Christ {Podcast #704}

If all your thoughts on any given day were recorded and transcribed, how would it read? More importantly, how would those thoughts line up with Scripture? Would you be able to flip open your Bible and say, “Yep, this is a truth!” or would you more likely struggle to find a biblical principle that supports that way of thinking? With as much time as I spend teaching the Word, it really is amazing how often I find my thoughts filled with shame messages shaping a twisted perspective about who I am in Christ and how God’s promises are as true…

From Brokenhearted to Holy Breakthrough

Turning to check my rearview mirror, I felt an ever-so-familiar twinge in my back and feared a spasm that would take me down for a day or two. Instead, life came to a screeching halt with doctor’s orders for complete rest. I was in too much pain to resist and I sensed a divine appointment as I remembered a verse I had recently read in Isaiah: “Only in returning to me  and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength.  But you would have none of it.” (Isaiah 30:15, CSB) I did not want to…

No Substitutions: God is Enough

No Substitutes: Because God is Enough

Have you ever embraced a sugar fast? Or maybe a social media fast? If so, have you noticed how often your fast from __________ results in a series of substitutions rather than single-hearted focused on Jesus? I saw this play out so profoundly in my most recent sugar fast. Instead of that piece of chocolate after lunch, I grab a clementine. Sure, it’s healthy, but it is a substitute for a sweet fix. By 3 pm, when I’m craving an afternoon cookie, I turn to a gluten-free granola bar. It may not be as scrumptious, but it seems to work…


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