{12 Eternal Gifts} For My Glory

For my glory.

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Psalm 29:2

Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.

Glory.  It means “very great praise, honor, or distinction, renown.”  To give God the glory due His name is more than simply saying, “Oh, thanks God.  I really appreciate this or that or how you [fill in the blank].” To give God the glory due His name is an act of worship to the Lord in light of the splendor of His holiness.

Giving God glory must be intentional, reverent, purposeful, and authentic. In a humble position, bowed before the King of Kings, we posture ourselves both to worship and be used.  In hands outstretched, prepared to receive His works and plan, His forgiveness and grace, His mercy and love, we offer holy praise unto His name for all of it.

What a beautiful story of the Gift-giver giving us the ability to gift it again.

Reflection Questions

  1. Have you receive the gifts God has given you?
  2. What are you doing to treasure them this Christmas time?
  3. How can you gift give back to Him?
  4. How can the overflow of these gifts touch others, today, practically and purposefully?


Treasuring 12 Eternal Gifts

Thank you for spending these first 12 days of December treasuring 12 eternal gifts.  It has been a joy to journey with you.


Day 1 ~ Let my Spirit fill you.
Day 2 ~ Let my Word satisfy you.

Day 3 ~ Let my Living Water refresh you.

Day 4 ~ Let my love surround you.

Day 5 ~ Let my forgiveness heal you.

Day 6 ~ Let my grace transform you.

Day 7 ~ Let my mercy undo you.

Day 8 ~ Let my purposes direct you.

Day 9 ~ Let my plans delight you.

Day 10 ~ Let me. Let me in.

Day 11 ~ Let me rule. Let me reign.

Day 12 ~ For my glory.

5 thoughts on “{12 Eternal Gifts} For My Glory”

  1. These 12 eternal truths has been encouraging and inspring, thank you Lisa for being a vessel the Lord can use. All for His glory!! Amen. Bless you dear sister in Christ <3

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