{Link Ups} Especially for Mothers

For the first time in 12 years, I have no diapers to change, no toddlers to chase, no snacks to prepare, no crumbs to clean up, no diaper bags to refill, no carts to cover while running errands.

Are you still in this season of early motherhood?

It is a dramatic change, having all my children in school, and a stark contrast to the year I spent homeschooling my oldest.  Suddenly, my time is a bit more my own during the day time hours. I can make a call without being interrupted and write for hours in my pjs with no place to go.   My quiet time can last until my heart cries out, without four pairs of eyes looking uncertainly at my mess.  My mind has space to think and reflect.

Are you longing for the day to come when your rhythm is a little saner?

In the space of grace God has bestowed on me, I find myself bittersweet and filled with joy for the time invested mothering my young children.  There are things I wish I did differently.  If I could have a “redo,” I’d be on the computer less and interacting face to face more.  I’d put off some of those dreams that were simply distracting to snuggle a bit longer with my nursing infant.

Are you struggling to eternally invest in the time you have now with your children?

Amidst my regrets, I see God’s faithfulness. His power and perspective at work in me has spurred me on to discipline consistently, invest emotionally, and engage practically with my children. God’s principles are true, as I can testify to Proverbs 29:17 MSG , “Discipline your children.  You’ll be glad you did — they’ll turn out delightful to live with.”  Yes, my children are delightful to live with, even with all my mistakes and misgivings, leaving me with no eternal regrets, and only a heart of gratitude for seeing God turn my destructive legacy into something remarkable.

May I urge you to make the most of your motherhood?

Motherhood is never meant to be journeyed alone.  As the Titus 2 call instructs, we are to train up the younger women.  From that perspective, I prepared Motherhood:  7 Lessons for Life.  Originally created for a Moms Group message, these seven lessons are necessary for every stage of motherhood.  There’s not one portion of this message I’m not currently implementing with my almost teen, almost tween, and six year olds, and yet these are the same principles I’ve used since the toddler years and learned while mentoring teens.

A Free Gift for Your Motherhood Journey

I would love to send you Motherhood:  7 Lessons for Life for free, as More to Be is not only about reaching teens through twenty-somethings with relevant truth, but also equipping and engaging today’s women so they can impact the next generation.  Simply subscribe to More to Be and I will email you the PDF.  You can learn more about this Guide, here

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Grace Rules:  Practical Ideas for Raising  Tweens through Teens

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