{12 Eternal Gifts} Let my forgiveness…

Let my forgiveness heal you.

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2 Chronicles 7:14
…if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Forgiveness is a precious gift, not only from the Lord but also one we give to others.  But this is one gift that is often misunderstood, for the one forgiven isn’t the only one blessed.  The one who forgives will also find healing in the depths of her soul.

Forgiveness is not forgetting.  Quite the contrary.  Forgiveness is about acknowledging a wrong doing — a sin — and the pain it has caused, personally and unto others. When we seek the Lord’s forgiveness, we are acknowledging that we’ve come up short, committed a sin, or walked away from a right choice in place of a wrong one. When the Lord forgives us, He chooses to give us a clean, new slate to begin anew.  He says,

“Yes, I know you did this.  Yes, there are consequences.  But because of my grace and mercy, you will not continue to pay for the offense.  I will give you a new beginning, without holding your past against you.”

The process of forgiving others is all about moving forward without a hook of bitterness dragging your offender into the future.  It is trusting God to have final judgment on the one that caused your wounds, knowing that nothing you do or say could ever be as powerful or fair as God’s response.  Forgiving someone doesn’t ever require a response from them, either.  You can forgive right here, right now, without the person who wounded you ever owning their stuff.  Your actions are independent of their response.  Choosing to forgive is about obeying God, not feeling better.  Each time those “offended, resentful, angry, bitter” feelings rise up again, it is another time to get with Jesus and forgive again.

To seek forgiveness and offer forgiveness requires humility but promises healing.  In that place, flat out before God and honestly inventory your heart and life, God heals wounds deep as He transforms your life with His grace.

Reflection Questions

  1. Up to this point, would you have defined forgiveness as forgetting?
  2. How can this new perspective on forgiveness change your feelings and behavior toward God and others?
  3. When was the last time you got down on your knees, face bowed humbly before God and sought forgiveness?
  4. Who do you need to forgive in your life today, for a past or even present offense?
  5. Take time to journal about the wounds and bound up bitterness in your heart.  Lay the people and circumstances that come into your mind before the Lord.  Seek His forgiveness and extend it to others.



Forgiveness has been the source of healing in my life.
To learn more, purchase Experiencing Life Transformed.
You’ll be inspired to be transformed.


Treasuring 12 Eternal Gifts

Join in today by leaving a link to a post, a Facebook thought, a Tweet, or a comment sharing about today’s gift by including a verse, song, picture or personal reflection. Feel free to post the button at your blog or Facebook page, and spread the word.


Day 1 ~ Let my Spirit fill you.
Day 2 ~ Let my Word satisfy you.

Day 3 ~ Let my Living Water refresh you.

Day 4 ~ Let my love surround you.

Day 5 ~ Let my forgiveness heal you.

Day 6 ~ Let my grace transform you.
Day 7 ~ Let my mercy undo you.
Day 8 ~ Let my purposes direct you.
Day 9 ~ Let my plans delight you.
Day 10 ~ Let me. Let me in.
Day 11 ~ Let me rule. Let me reign.
Day 12 ~ For my glory.


…connecting today with Multitude Mondays at a Holy Experience as I count 12 Eternal gifts this month…

3 thoughts on “{12 Eternal Gifts} Let my forgiveness…”

  1. Good morning Lisa,

    Thank you for these wonderful words of wisdom. Forgiveness is a daily process in my life that someday’s seem harder then others. It’s the little things that build up into great walls of resentment. I am reminded by todays eternal gift of forgiveness that choosing this day whom I will serve begins with obeying the Lord.Forgiving because He first forgave me.:)

  2. Amen!
    I think there are so many major misconceptions about what forgiveness is and I think people confuse forgiveness with an action of getting legal justice or justice…

    Justice and forgiveness are two different things…

    Forgiveness is a personal choice to choose to not let whomever or whatever, hold oneself in bondage every again and saying, “No more” and moving forward and healing and allowing God to heal and being able to go before God, not with anger, revenge, bitterness or pain, but an attitude of “Heal me Lord, Heal me”.

    I feel by saying, “I forgive” it is more of saying,”Its time to heal….I can’t change what happen, but I can choose what happens today and tomorrow.”

    Great reminder, because as you shared, “Forgiving someone doesn’t ever require a response from them, either. You can forgive right here, right now, without the person who wounded you ever owning their stuff. Your actions are independent of their response. Choosing to forgive is about obeying God, not feeling better. Each time those “offended, resentful, angry, bitter” feelings rise up again, it is another time to get with Jesus and forgive again.

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