{12 Eternal Gifts} Let My Word…

Let my word satisfy you.

Matthew 4:4
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”

Jesus promises us that the Word will bring complete nourishment to our lives.  Food alone will not sustain us, nor will anything we grab at and shove inside our bodies — anything from people to fads, false promises of prosperity to TV specials proclaiming the best new gadget to make life easier.  Nothing satisfies.  Not titles nor degrees.  Not plans nor earthly pursuits.   Only the Word has the ability to satisfy an earthly soul until eternity.   Nothing can compare to the gift of Scripture.  Nothing can compare to Jesus, who is the Word.

Reflection Questions

  1. What in your life is bringing you false satisfaction?
  2. What steps can you take, today, to rid this “other than” satisfaction from your life?
  3. Are you making time for the Word to fill you up and nourish your soul?
  4. Consider making the most our Immersed Challenge resources and get accountability daily through our Immersed Facebook Page.


Treasuring 12 Eternal Gifts

Join in today by leaving a link to a post, a Facebook thought, a Tweet, or a comment sharing about today’s gift by including a verse, song, picture or personal reflection. Feel free to post the button at your blog or Facebook page, and spread the word. It would be fantastic to have a community treasuring God’s gifts together.

Day 1 ~ Let my Spirit fill you.
Day 2 ~ Let my Word satisfy you.
Day 3 ~ Let my Living Water refresh you.
Day 4 ~ Let my love surround you.
Day 5 ~ Let my forgiveness heal you.
Day 6 ~ Let my grace transform you.
Day 7 ~ Let my mercy undo you.
Day 8 ~ Let my purposes direct you.
Day 9 ~ Let my plans delight you.
Day 10 ~ Let me. Let me in.
Day 11 ~ Let me rule. Let me reign.
Day 12 ~ For my glory.

Don’t forget to print out Put Your Eyes on Me, which you can find here.

5 thoughts on “{12 Eternal Gifts} Let My Word…”

  1. I am so glad Sunflower Faith inspired me to join you. This is such a great way to keep our hearts and minds focused in the right direction.
    Thank you so much.

    “Nothing can compare to the gift of Scripture. Nothing can compare to Jesus, who is the Word.” Yes, and amen.

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