Mentoring Monday: Like Aaron

women_prayingWe stand in a beautiful sanctuary.  It’s a place I could stay for hours.  From the moment I walk through the doors, I feel His presence.  My soul sighs in peace.  A peace I’ve not known in years.

We stand in a circle linked together, heads bowed. My hands wrap around my friend’s arm.  Someone holds my right arm and another’s hand rests on my left shoulder.

One by one the ladies in the circle pray over my friend and me.  I am here simply as a friend.  I have no role or responsibility, but they’re praying over me still.  Their prayers come from genuine hearts, revealing their love for Jesus and one another.

I am soaking in each prayer, holding back tears as they intercede on behalf of their sisters, asking God to clear distractions and open hearts.

They LOVE their sisters in Christ.

I know this deep within me as I listen to their pleas.  In this moment, I feel they love me too.

One of the sweet ladies prays for me…referring to me as my friend’s “Aaron,” supporting her as she leads.  There’s a chorus of amens, as if all in the circle agree…I am like Aaron to my friend.

I intuitively know it’s true although I’ve never before considered the parallel.

These ladies don’t know me.   They don’t know my heart or current season of life.  So, I know as I listen to them pray that God is speaking to and through them.  The way their prayers meet my heart?  Amazing and somewhat scary.

God is so real to me in this moment.

And, I am undone.  By their prayers.  By their obedience.  By their love.  By their reference to Aaron and Moses.

I’m holding back tears overwhelmed by their love and God’s faithfulness.  One stray drop creeps down my cheek as I breath deeply and say amen.  They’ve connected to and touched my heart in ways they’ll never know.  God’s reminder of His goodness and grace.

So began a beautiful evening with Jesus.  Reflecting, praying, repenting, and sharing.  I thought I was just along for the ride, but we all know how THAT goes – we think we’re going to bless another and they bless us tenfold.

And I am left thinking of Aaron and Moses.I know it’s not coincidence that I’ve been studying Exodus, and I know this story well.  God definitely used his Word and my study time to get my attention.

Aaron and Moses are brothers, but they didn’t grow up in the same household.  Pharaoh’s daughter adopted Moses and raised him in the Egyptian palace while Aaron worked as an enslaved Hebrew.  As an adult, Moses murders an Egyptian who is beating a Hebrew slave; Pharaoh wants Moses dead.  Moses flees to the land of Midian, where he’s a shepherd for 40 years.  (THIS is the Cliff Notes; I highly recommend reading through the first four chapters of Exodus and Stephen’s address in Acts 7 if you’d like the full story. It’s awesome.)mosesandaaron

From brash prince to humble shepherd.

And, then, God calls from a burning bush, instructing Moses to lead his people out of Egypt into the promised land.  After making excuses to God, Moses says in Exodus 4:13 “Lord, please! Send anyone else.”

Then the Lord became angry with Moses. “All right,” he said. “What about your brother, Aaron the Levite? I know he speaks well. And look! He is on his way to meet you now. He will be delighted to see you. Talk to him, and put the words in his mouth. I will be with both of you as you speak, and I will instruct you both in what to do. Aaron will be your spokesman to the people. He will be your mouthpiece, and you will stand in the place of God for him, telling him what to say. Exodus 4: 14-16

God owes Moses nothing, but is gracious in giving him Aaron to help shoulder his burden.

And Aaron shows up…again and again. 

He makes his share of mistakes, but he steadfastly loves and supports Moses…

So Joshua did what Moses had commanded and fought the army of Amalek. Meanwhile, Moses, Aaron, and Hur climbed to the top of a nearby hill. As long as Moses held up the staff in his hand, the Israelites had the advantage. But whenever he dropped his hand, the Amalekites gained the advantage. Moses’ arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset. As a result, Joshua overwhelmed the army of Amalek in battle. Exodus 17: 8-13

When Moses’ arms grew weary, Aaron held them up.

Moses needed Aaron; Aaron needed Moses.

We need each other.  We need mentors, and we need to mentor others.

While God has to be our center always, we also need Aarons who will hold up our arms when we can no longer hold them up ourselves. And, ‘holding up” occurs through intercessory prayer, listening ears, encouraging words, loving hearts, serving hands, and sharing tears.

M2B Mentoring Link Up

Mentoring Mondays

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1 thought on “Mentoring Monday: Like Aaron”

  1. Great reminders on just how connected we all are and just how much we truly need each other! “Nobody, but nobody can make it out here alone” {Maya Angelou} The beauty of it is that we don’t have to stay stagnant in one role. One can be my Aaron today and I can be Aaron to that very person tomorrow. There is fluidity on our bonds and, in my opinion, that is one of the very things that makes them beautiful!~


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