Transformed Tuesdays: To Live or To Die?

It’s Tuesday, which means we’re talking about living life transformed.


Let’s Focus on Philippians 1:21

Do you detect a theme?  Yes, we are using Transformed Tuesdays to pause at some of my favorite verses in the book of Philippians. This particular verse from Philippians is one of those often quoted, yet rarely soaked in truths.

Philippians 1:21 NIV

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

But what does it really mean for Paul, and for us, to claim that to live is Christ and to die is gain? 



The answer, I think, depends on our circumstances, life experiences, and maturity in our faith. Right after I became a Christian, this verse reminded me that the promise of heaven and being face to face with Jesus was a gift to be treasured in light of the crazy life I had previously lived. But as my faith walk has pressed on, I’ve come to see this verse in a whole new light. It is often comfort to me in the face of trials now, even as I forget about my past, pointing my heart and mind toward a heavenly perspective. And yet, after all these years of studying Scripture and living out my faith, I still don’t quite know what Paul means by “to live is Christ.”  Is he saying there is nothing other than Christ to live for?  If that is the case, I can agree on that truth!

So, the words of this verse roll off my lips, both as  prayer and as a question…

Jesus, thank You for the life You lived and the life You promise us. Help me to know what Paul claims when he says that to live is Christ. If that means that to live is to know You, then thank You Lord, for I do know You as my savior and redeemer. If it means to give up comforts to be like You in Your willingness to suffer for us, then show me where I ought to be more like You?  And thank You, God, that death is not the end. Dying is not the final step in the journey. But that living eternally with You in heaven is my gain.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What does this verse mean to you?

How are you being transformed by the Scriptures and God’s work in your life?


Link Up & Share …

There are three ways to link up and share in Transformed Tuesdays. Pick what works best for you…

{Option 1} Share Your Story: Link up to a post you’ve written about that reveals God transforming work in your life.

{Option 2} Focus on the Key Verse: Link up a post in which you share your thoughts on the key verse from above.

{Option 3} Spread It Around: Share the Scripture graphic from above!

Next week’s key verse: Jeremiah 29:11

…so come on back and join us for Transformed Tuesdays…

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{linking up here, too}

4 thoughts on “Transformed Tuesdays: To Live or To Die?”

  1. I really like this – yeah! So I shared a story. I hope you are blessed by it. It’s for all ages – Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend 🙂

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