{For Moms of Boys} The Summer of Letting Go

for_moms_buttonOnce again, the lazy days of summer are behind me, and I have survived yet another summer with my boys!  Some days it was touch-and-go!  We have had three trips to the ER but, in the end, they are both alive and well and ready to start another school year.

This summer was very different for me.

For the first time ever, we did not have the chance to take a family vacation with our whole family.  My oldest son, who is in his second year of college, had to work and also planned a vacation with his friends.  At first, I was so sad and disheartened.  I wanted so desperately for things not to change.  I was clinging to that little boy who needed me to take care of his every need.  Then I realized that by doing that, I was not only stifling his emotional growth and maturity, but mine as well.

God did not give me the gift of this child for me to keep him to myself. 

He is a gift that I am to share with the world.  And he has great plans for both of us!



When my son first proposed his solo vacation to us, I was excited for him but secretly hoping that it would not happen.  He and five of his friends were invited to Los Cabos, Mexico to his friend’s uncle’s vacation home.  The friend’s mother, uncle, and sister, along with other family members, were also scheduled to go on this trip.  I am friends with his friends’ moms, and they were alarmed that I had consented to let my son go.  They had hoped that I would be the voice of reason, and that they could then follow suit.

I explained that I trusted my son and also trusted God with my son. 

However, I did not want to be foolish and test God or go on blind faith so we prayed before saying “yes” (and even afterward I continued to pray for the Lord to close the door if it was not His will).

I had total peace about my son going to a foreign country.

I know that he is not mine to hold onto, and I never want to parent my children out of fear.  He had a wonderful vacation, and I am thrilled that the little boy who once had no desire to see any part of the world beyond his cousin’s house has been exposed to another country and culture.  I am excited to see how God will use this experience in his future.

This was my summer of letting go and letting God.

I miss the little boy who was filled with wonder and amazement but now I get to enjoy the young man who is filled with wonder and amazes me. I have to trust in God’s promise that He has a plan and a purpose for my son. I cannot hold on to him because my plans are not the same as the Lord’s.

Although I did tell my son that I plan to go with him on his next adventure!

Let’s see what next summer brings!

Moms, what have you had to learn to let go of when raising your children?

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