Transformed Tuesday: Changing Your Self-Image

When you look in the mirror, what do you see?

Your answer might sound like…

A chubby girl with yellow teeth, a pointy nose, and frizzy hair.

Or maybe it sounds more like…

A girl with damaged goods—someone who has messed up far past the point of no return.

Is it time to get a new perspective?

If this is what the view of your reflection looks like, then I think it’s time for a little transformation of your reflection.

And I’m not talking about the one in the mirror.

Have you ever seen someone and knew intuitively, without even talking with them, that they had a low self-esteem?

Sometimes, low-self esteem is obvious based on behavior, like when a girl walks with her head down and hunched over or acts out by cutting herself. Other times, a girl may try to mask her low-self esteem by getting attention in unhealthy ways, like through flirting with guys, boasting among friends, or bullying.

The reflection that you have of yourself will always reflect to others.

The opposite is also true—it’s easy to spot those who have confidence. They’re the people who walk with their head held high, shoulders pushed back. Even if they aren’t necessary what’s considered “attractive” in the world’s eyes, these people know who they are in Christ, and other opinions cannot change that.

Can you imagine being that confident person?

You don’t need a new image to create it—all you need is a new self-image.

You will always act upon the image that you have perceived of yourself, so why not rise above a low self-esteem by seeing yourself the way that God sees you?

It’s time to get a new perspective of your reflection.

It’s time to stop listening to the voice in the back of your head that tells you that you are good for nothing, dirty, or unattractive. John 10:10 (NCV) says, “A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life—life in all its fullness.” Satan has come to steal your self-worth, confidence, and in turn, make your life miserable. It’s time for you to take it back from him and live the life that God has called for you to live.

It is only when we began seeing ourselves the way that God sees us can we finally begin to live the life that God has intended us to livespreading His light, living life abundantly and with the fullest of joy.

Psalm 139:14 NCV

You made my whole being;
you formed me in my mother’s body.
I praise you because you made me in
an amazing and wonderful way.
What you have done is wonderful.

Remember that the devil is the father of lies (John 8:44). Every time you begin seeing yourself in a negative light—which is a lie straight from Satan—replace it with the truth of what God says you are: Worthy, loved, and forgiven (Ephesians 2:4-9, Romans 5:8).

I think it’s time for us to take back what the Devil has stolen from us—our self-confidence—and begin walking with our heads held high. When we do, people will begin to look past our physical flaws and begin to see our confidence in Christ instead.

They will see us the way that God has made us. But even so, we will realize that their opinion is worth nothing to us anymore, since we were made to please God only.

Galatians 1:10 NCV

Do you think I am trying to make people accept me?
No, God is the One I am trying to please.
Am I trying to please people?
If I still wanted to please people,
I would not be a servant of Christ.

If you don’t find your reflection appealing, it doesn’t mean that it’s time to work out more or change your features. Nor does it mean that you need to buy more makeup or perhaps color your hair.  It may simply mean that it’s time to get a new perspective found in God’s truth in order to truly transform your reflection…of your reflection.


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{Option 1} Share Your Story: Link up to a post you’ve written about that reveals God transforming work in your life, but be sure to mention Transformed Tuesdays at More to Be in a link or use our button.

{Option 2} Focus on the Key Verse: Link up a post in which you share your thoughts on the key verse from above, and mention Transformed Tuesdays at More to Be in a link or use our button.

{Option 3} Spread It Around: Share the Scripture graphic from above!

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