Let Go of the Guilt

It happens every year after the holidays. As soon as the gifts are unwrapped and the tree is stripped bare, I feel the let down, and guilt creeps in.

Another year has passed and somehow I’ve let countless moments slip away.

let go of the guilt

I wish I would have. . .

As a mom, I want every family experience to be a perfect one. I want to create lasting memories, build healthy relationships, and give my kids the best advice. My wish list continues—and so does my list of squandered opportunities.

Too often I fail at my motherhood attempts. Life gets busy and obligations crowd out my plans. My image of motherhood and my reality never seem to coincide.

As parents, it’s easy to trap ourselves between should have and it’s too late. Yet, as God’s people, we can rest in His promises and celebrate within the freedom He’s given—complete freedom from the burdens of our own guilt and shame.

There’s great news for the guilty!

Here are 5 great truths God offers:

1. God is greater than our guilt. 1 John 3:20

2. God’s grace gives us strength. 2 Timothy 2:1

3. God will finish the good work within us. Philippians 1:6

4. God offers hope and new opportunity. 2 Corinthians 5:17

5. God loves us just as we are. John 15:9

A New Year for a Brand-New You

We all make mistakes and fail from time to time. However, one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is the ability to move past our own mistakes.

Just as we offer our own children, God gives us forgiveness, encouragement, and renewed strength no matter how many times we fall. Today, embrace God’s goodness. Let go of the guilt and cling to His promises.

What about you?

Are you exchanging your guilt for His promises?

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