Planting Seasons: How Teens Can Sow a Strong Future



When I was a young teen, I had a strong desire to reach my fullest potential. I wanted to grow up. I wanted to experience all the plans that God had for me, to mature in my relationship with Him, and become all that He has called me to be.

The thing I failed to realize was that the waiting and growing seasons must take place before I could reach my fullest potential and experience all that God has for me.

If you’re going through a hardship or you’re eager to grow up, as I was, keep in mind that God knows what you’re going through.

This is only a planting season.

And just as a farmer cannot receive a harvest until he first sows . . .

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5 Ways to Sow a Strong Future

Your youth is a crucial time for planting and watering. Below are five ways you can begin to sow a strong future:

1) Cultivate a relationship with God.

Stay in prayer, and be consistent with your daily quiet time. As a young person, the relationship that you develop with Him now, during this planting season, will stand as a foundation for the rest of our life.


Growing through Waiting

2) Serve and love others.

When we take our eyes off ourselves and pay attention to the needs of others, these waiting seasons won’t seem as painful. There is a joy that comes in serving others. And as a Christian, we are called to love them even more than we love ourselves (see Phil. 2:3). Meanwhile, God will bless us when we use our time to help them.

“Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it … Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless—cheerfully.” – 1 Peter 4:10 MSG

“We must not become tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time if we do not give up. When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it. But we should give special attention to those who are in the family of believers.” – Galatians 6:9-10 NCV

3) Use your gifts for God’s glory.

God has blessed each of us with a unique gift (Romans 12:6). If you’re not sure what yours is yet, ask God to reveal it to you. Then ask yourself this question: How can you use this gift to glorify Christ and serve others?

4) Have patience.

It’s tempting to rush this process. However, God has placed us where we are, in this planting season, for a reason. Let’s learn from the Israelites’ mistake and have patience. Complaining might only lengthen these waiting seasons; but when we let go and remember that God is in control, we can be sure that He will see us through.

“A farmer patiently waits for his valuable crop to grow from the earth and for it to receive the autumn and spring rains. You, too, must be patient.” – James 5:7-9

“And the seed that fell on the good ground is like those who hear God’s teaching with good, honest hearts and obey it and patiently produce good fruit.” – Luke 8:15

5) Relax, trust, and praise.

Relax, even when things seem out of your control. Trust God, even when you do not know what might happen. And praise, even when you’re going through trials.

You may be planting a seed, but the seed cannot grow unless you feed it with praise.

Just as autumn and winter must take place before spring arrives, so will these years must also unfold before God can bring you into your Promise Land.

And when you plant and care for a seed, you better believe it’s going to grow.  

“Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. They weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the harvest.” – Psalm 126:5-6 NLT

I challenge you . . .

With your mom, make a list of ways that you can begin to serve others together. Then, write another list of your hobbies and brainstorm ways that you could use them to glorify Christ.



1 thought on “Planting Seasons: How Teens Can Sow a Strong Future”

  1. I’m 14, and it’s almost 4am where I live but I’ve been searching for an article like this for the past few hours. I saved a bunch of things to help fulfil my sense of Self-actualization in the long run but thanks to your article I’ve seen that all I really felt was teenage angst and the pressing need to just grow up and live the awesome life I hope awaits, especially with the uncertainty and anxiety this covid brings that leaves us all wanting to just skip this part of history. Reading this has calmed me somewhat, I’ll pray and sleep in the reaffirmed knowledge that God has a plan and everything is in His hands. Genuinely, thank you for helping

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