The Journey of Independence

Did you know that when a butterfly is only a chrysalis, still wrapped up in its cocoon, it looks all protected and comfy, but it is actually busy at work long. Little by little, that chrysalis is stretching its wings as it pushes against its cocoon casing with anticipation for the day it will burst out and fly. If you came along and snipped it free, do you know what would happen? The beautiful butterfly’s wings wouldn’t be strong enough to fly.

The process of pushing itself out, on it’s own, is how it develops its muscles so that it can do exactly what God designed — fly.

The process of pushing  itself out, on it’s own,  is how it develops its muscles  so that it can do exactly  what God designed —FLY!



My oh my, what a metaphor for motherhood. Our children are just like a chrysalis in their need to exercise their emotional and spiritual muscles over the course of their physical development so that they can launch into adulthood and survive on their own.

So let me ask a tough question of both of us — how are we doing at letting them grow those muscles? 


Join me over at as I unpack what this journey is like for me with my children and offer a few thoughts on how the Lord wants us to face it.


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