Encouraging Your Teen To Grow in their Faith {Giveaway!}

Growing up in a Christian church I heard over and over again about the importance of spending time with God. I was told it was crucial to read my Bible and get in The Word. But as a young girl, I really didn’t know what that meant.

I was only told to get up early in the morning to read my Bible. I tried. I thought it was boring. I liked going to church to learn about God and pray but when it came to doing those things on my own I didn’t enjoy it. I read The King James Version of the Bible; it seemed antiquated and I didn’t understand half was what I was reading.

I wanted someone to tell me practical ways to get to know God.

I should have asked my parents or a youth pastor, but I didn’t.

I felt guilty. I thought I was a bad Christian. Eventually I stopped trying. I figured it was just for grown-ups anyway. As a result, I missed out on having a relationship with God as a teen.


Encouraging Your Teen to Grow their Faith


It took years for me to learn that getting to know God isn’t hard or boring at all and spending time with Him doesn’t look the same for everyone. There is no one-way to do it. In fact, the way I spend time with God looks different in every season of my life.

My oldest daughter sits in church with my husband and me each week. I know she is hearing Biblical truth but I don’t want to take for granted that she understands how to practically apply it.

One of the ways I help my teen avoid a disconnect between what the Bible says and everyday living is by intentionally having conversations that marry the two.

{Check out this free resource that can help you begin that type of conversation and connection.}

When talking to my daughter about getting to know God, I ask her to consider how she became so close with her BBFs. Then I explained to her that it’s not very different from getting to know God.

  • Spend time together . . . have consistent devotional times.
  • Check in with them throughout the day . . . pray without ceasing.
  • Make weekend plans . . .  set aside time to fast and pray, spend extended time to seek God through a personal retreat.
  • Make or buy them a gift they’ll like . . . generously give tithes and offerings as a way to live out your faith.
  • Pay attention to them when they talk . . . put aside the distractions such as smartphone, tablet, or computer during devotional time or church.
  • Take an interest in what interests them . . . read the Bible (a version that is easy to understand), memorize scripture, or do a Bible study. Read Christian books and blogs.
  • Guard the time you spend together . . . schedule activities around church, Bible studies, or youth meetings.
  • Have patience with them, serve them, believe the best of them . . . have faith. Be watchful knowing that God hears prayer.

There are as many creative ways to spend time with God, as there are to spend time her with friends too. Here are just a few:

  • Go for a walk . . . spend time in nature and praise Him for all He has created.
  • Listen to music together . .  sing or listen to worship music.
  • Share a meal together . . .thank God for the food and others blessings He has provided.
  • Instant message and text . . . in a journal, write your thoughts, feelings, and prayers in the form of a letter to Him.

I don’t want my daughter to miss out on a relationship with God like I did, especially in her teen years. I want her to grow in her faith. My hope is that by marrying spiritual truth and practical wisdom she will develop a deeper connection with her faith and lay a solid foundation for her future.


To help get your teen grow their relationship with God we are giving away a copy of A Little God Time for Teens: One Year Devotional.

As your daughter reads and reflects on these devotionals she will be told that she is beautiful, loved, and created with a purpose. God is delighted to call her His daughter!

Enter to win by leaving a comment below. What are your favorite ways you or your daughter grow your relationship with God?

9 thoughts on “Encouraging Your Teen To Grow in their Faith {Giveaway!}”

  1. Stephanie Colson

    My daughter and I have been doing Bible studies together. This year has been a tough year with a family member and a good friend passing away. She was starting to feel as if church and prayer were pointless and I needed a way to get her to see just how important they are.

  2. My daughter felt church was “stuffy” and she didn’t feel like she was truly worshipping. Luckily, she joined the choir. She feels connected to God through music.

  3. Joyce Olmstead

    I have led my grandchildren in a Bible study that we call CUBS- Cousins United Bible Study. Several of them live out-of-state so we communicate via texting. Like you, I am passionate to transfer legacies that have a positive powerful impact and to make kingdom investments. God, come rain on our young generation more of You!
    Thank you for your words of encouragement. Joyce

  4. My daughter isn’t a teen yet, and I’m still learning how to guide her, but I’m trying to intersperse references to God and point out how He affects our lives throughout the day.

  5. It’s hard when they are teens. My older daughter doesn’t really connect with her youth group (but the younger one does). I encourage both of them to talk about faith with their friends.

  6. Jennifer Kindle

    My daughter and i take walks, go on dates, and other one on one activities and we talk about what God is doing in her heart and pray together.

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