Becoming Teachable

I will be teachable and seek wisdom from godly counsel. 


Proverbs 2:2 (NLT)

Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding.

Proverbs 15:31 (NLT)

If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise.

James 1:5 (NLT)

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

God, thank you for being approachable and urging us to seek wisdom from you.

Forgive us when we turn elsewhere in search of answers, instead of pursuing truth and guidance from your Word.

God, please tune our ears to wisdom and give us a desire to not only understand it but to apply it.

Keep us humble, God, that we may respond well to constructive criticism and respond with a teachable heart to those who have biblical wisdom to impart upon us.

In the Strong Name of Jesus, Amen.

I will be teachable and seek wisdom from godly counsel.

When you find yourself in the kind of situation that requires a clear-cut decision, how do you go about deciding what to do? I’m not referring to whether you’re going to order a pizza with pepperoni or mushrooms, but rather the kind of decision that will impact your future and those you do life with.

Are you impulsive? Do you delay making a decision because you’re afraid of the potentially wrong consequences? Do you seek out the counsel of the wise or the opinion of the world? Do you often struggle with feeling like you simply don’t have enough information to make a decision?

As a life coach, you might count me as an expert in helping people make decisions since one of the main reasons people come for coaching is that they feel stuck and are uncertain as to what to do next. I’ve witnessed clients struggle in moving forward because they are big idea girls and can’t parse through all their creativity to find an answer. For some, it’s a personality issue, as Specialists always feel like they need more information. For others, it’s a past-trauma issue, as they fear getting hurt again and have an unhealthy desire to please others. And for some, it’s simply a matter of lack of margin space in an information overload world. Of course, there are a bazillion other reasons why we may feel stuck when it comes to making a decision.

What’s so interesting about coaching, however, is that I don’t tell people what to do, because advice never works. For example, when was the last time you heard a great sermon, but failed to put into action what the pastor said? What about when you sought out advice from a friend or parent? Did you do what they said to do? Are you indeed teachable?

We need to own the “ah-ha” moment in order to carry out the solution.

But if that’s true, what’s the point of listening to a sermon in the first place? And why bother seeking out the counsel of the wise? Or even hiring a life coach?

Because there is value in embracing the wisdom, expressing our struggles, and engaging support in the pursuit of a godly solution.

Embracing:  We need to be teaching and take in wisdom from the Word and the wise so that the Holy Spirit can draw upon it and lead us in the right direction.

Expressing:  We need to articulate our struggle in making a decision, both to the Lord and to those who offer trustworthy counsel, because in expressing ourselves, we get to own our thought process, pinpoint our fears, and brainstorm solutions.

Engaging: Accountability and encouragement come from sharing our struggles and the steps we plan to take moving forward so that we can stay the course.

God has the solutions for us. He is the one who enables us to sift through all the emotions to get down to the truth as it is found in His Word. That why one of the questions I use the most with clients is: “What do you think God has to say about this?” There’s no better option than asking the Word Himself to speak and orchestrates the solution for every situation.

When we seek God for wisdom, we can move forward with confidence that He will give it to us generously.

What will be your go-to response next time you face a situation in which you have to make a decision? 


Brave Together: A Conversation Starter for Cultivating Biblical Mentoring Relationships

To continue this journey of living brave and inviting the next generation to join you in the journey, get a copy of Brave Together: A Conversation Starter for Cultivating Biblical Mentoring Relationships.

Available in paperback on Amazon or click the button to purchase the downloadable PDF version.

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