When Faith Prompts and Prayer Leads

I will continue to ask God to enable me to live a life worthy of His call with the power to accomplish all things as my faith prompts me to do.


2 Thessalonians 1:11 NLT

So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do.

God, we are so grateful that you don’t ask us to operate in our own power or strength. Thank you, Lord, for filling us with your presence through Jesus Christ and leading us through the working of the Holy Spirit. 

Forgive us when go about pursuing our own plans and take matters into our own hands. Forgive us for forsaking to pray about everything and anything. Forgive us when we run from the call you’ve given us . . . a worthy call to live a life of joining you in your work and giving you all the glory!

Lord, we ask you to prompt us in faith to accomplish everything for your glory and purpose.

In the Strong Name of Jesus, Amen.

Lord, we ask you to prompt us in faith to accomplish everything for your glory and purpose.

How do you respond to an obstacle or rerouting of your plans? Let’s say you had a particular idea in mind for what the summer what supposed to look like, but every day delivered a need or interruption that wrecked your schedule. Or what if the circumstances that arise out of the blue are totally outside of your control, like a health or financial crisis, a betrayal in a relationship or simply the falling out in a friendship with no explanation at all? How do you respond?

Life happens, and we are forced to respond.

The truth is that we’re not actually in control of our circumstances even though we’re expected to make wise choices moment by moment. We may set upon a course, only to have it not conform to our desires. We invest in others, but without the promise of return. We go about our business, only to discover there’s a greater need before us requiring our attention. And then we’re cranky, irritable, and downright difficult to be around because our lives don’t match our plans.

But what if our plans and pursuits were prompted by our faith?

What if prayer came first, leading us toward joining God in the worthy call He places on our lives? 

Instead of striving towards our own agenda, what does it look like to submit to the one the Lord has for us? Yes, we can go about making our plans, but what if those plans were prayed over, around, and through before we take action?

Would our actions then be prompted by faith as we respond to the worthy call God has placed on our lives?

Could it be that His worthy call for us may look like walking through a trial instead of skirting around it? Might a worthy call require an interruption in our work day to meet a practical need for our sister in Christ? What if His call is to put aside our aspirations to put on the mind of Christ and God’s kingdom purposes?

Come to think of it — when the phone rings, it’s always an interruption. We get to choose to take that call, not knowing what we’ll hear or what will be requested of us. Should we be surprised that God’s call on our life functions in the same way? So will we answer, quickly hang up before saying hello, or send God straight to voicemail?

How is God seeking to get your attention so that you might answer the worthy call He has for your life — one that is prompted by faith and led by prayer? 


Brave Together: A Conversation Starter for Cultivating Biblical Mentoring Relationships

To continue this journey of living brave and inviting the next generation to join you in the journey, get a copy of Brave Together: A Conversation Starter for Cultivating Biblical Mentoring Relationships.

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