The Sword Dance of Truth

I will seek God daily for a deeper understanding of His Word as truth.


John 17:17 NLT

Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth.

Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

God, thank you for your Word, which is truly a gift to us and a source of truth that we can count on. Thank you that your truth makes us holy. 

Yes, Lord, I believe that your Word is alive and powerful, sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, joint and marrow. Your Word exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

God, thank you that your Word brings into the light the secrets forged in the darkness.

It sets us free. It heals. It reminds us of your promises. It reveals the places of your provision.

Forgive us when we discount your Word as truth. Forgive us when we neglect reading your Word. Motivate us to make our time in Scripture the first priority each day.

In the Strong Name of Jesus, Amen.

I will seek God daily for a deeper understanding of His Word as truth.

What is your definition of truth?

According to, truth is “the true or actual state of a matter, conformity with fact or reality; verity; a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle; the state or character of being true.” But how do you verify truth? How do you prove it as indisputable? Is truth something you simply have to accept by faith? But is that an oxymoron, since faith is a choice to believe what can not be proven?

By faith we believe what we can’t see and embrace as truth what we cannot prove.

Isn’t that what is required of us when we accept the Word as a “verified or indisputable fact”? Or do we only believe what we see and understand?  If that’s the case, it’s not truth we’re after but comfortability. We’re living by feelings and are guided by moral or cultural norms.

Sometimes, it takes being removed from all that is familiar to see truth afresh.

I remember that moment in my London dorm room when I placed my faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. I choose to risk my own understanding for how I thought God works in favor of believing the promise of salvation explained by my friend. I didn’t yet have the Word in my hand, but I trusted that her understanding of Scripture was worth heeding. More than two decades later, I’m so glad I did, because the Holy Spirit has faithfully opened up my heart and mind to see the truth as I read God’s Word for myself and see evidence of His promises in my life.

How? Well, there’s not a passage of Scripture that doesn’t describe the struggles I’ve faced and strongholds I had to overcome? Have you found that same to be true?

God’s Word causes us to consider our actions honestly and thoughts purposefully.

We become accountable to our habits and choices, reactions and responses, as the Holy Spirit leads and convicts us to turn from our sin and into the freedom found in Christ. That dance is really a spiritual sword fight as the Truth is wielded like a double-edged sword, cutting through every part of us — every thought, decision, and action — to remove from our lives sin and stronghold and bring forth what is holy, right, and pure.

What would a bystander say about the way you’re living your life? Is there evidence that you are living according to the Truth as found in the Word of God?


Brave Together: A Conversation Starter for Cultivating Biblical Mentoring Relationships

To continue this journey of living brave and inviting the next generation to join you in the journey, get a copy of Brave Together: A Conversation Starter for Cultivating Biblical Mentoring Relationships.

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