Find Your Starting Point

Would you like to bring a tremendous amount of focus and purpose to your life?

It might seem like the solution is to come up with some big fancy program to implement. But really, focus starts with the One who spun the universe into existence. It begins with the One who created us and knows all the hairs on our head and all the moments in our days.

Finding the focus we crave  . . . that starting point . . . starts with God connecting with God.

I know that may not be what you want to hear. But friend, I’m not trying to put a chore upon you.

I‘m inviting you to consider a solution that has the power to radically transform your life.

Would you even be willing to give it a shot? All I’m suggesting is 15 minutes a day, ideally, first thing in the morning, to open up the Word of God, to read a chapter of Scripture, and to pray. It can be as simple as you want to make it as you choose to walk in the grace God has for you. 

So fix that cup of coffee, take care of the immediate distractions or responsibilities, and then grab your starting point. 

You won’t regret it. 

Finding Your Starting Point

Make Your Starting Point Simple

Maybe the concept sounds good enough, but you’d like a little more structure. These four steps will get you started:

1. Pick a Bible or Bible App.

Select a Bible or App to use on your phone or iPad. My favorites include the Jesus Centered Bible (NLT) and the NIV Message Parallel Bible

2. Pick a book in the Bible to study.

I recommend starting with Psalms, one of the Gospels such as the book of John, or one of Paul’s letters, such as Ephesians. You can read the introductory notes to get a sense of what the book is about before you begin. If your Bible doesn’t have introductory notes, go to and look up the English Standard Version’s “Introductions to the Books of the Bible”:

3. Grab a journal or notebook, index cards, and a pen.

Your starting point time is interactive, so be ready to record verses and your takeaway, especially any verses you’d like to memorize.

4. Decide the best place for you to have your Starting Point.

You might choose a chair in your living room and place a basket nearby with your supplies. Maybe you have an office nook or a closet you can tuck into. Or maybe, like me, you’ll put your stuff in a tote bag and take it wherever you want to spend your time with God — on the porch, by the pool, in your den.

Starting Point

Make Your Starting Point a Routine

With your Bible and supplies ready to roll, set out a plan for your starting point routine.

1. Read one chapter from Scripture.

Make a goal of reading one chapter a day, every day, without excuse. Of course, give yourself grace for sickness and travel!

2. Write down a verse or a promise that stands out to you.

Use your journal or notebook and/or an index card to jot down a verse or passage that you may want to learn more about or focus on memorizing.

3. Write down your prayers.

Without overcomplicating this process, take a few minutes to write down your prayers in either a list form or as a letter to God. You might also want to try to turn a particular verse into a prayer.

4. Sit still for a few minutes and ask God to speak to you.

Jot down anything you feel you hear Him saying and be sure to confirm it with Scripture. If you don’t know how to do that, seek the input of a godly friend, mentor, or pastor.

Are you ready to find your starting point?

Friend, the goal is consistency and quality, not quantity. It’s a relationship with God you’re building and a storehouse of the Word you’re after.

Be encouraged that when you sow this kind of effort, the fruit you will bear will be gloriously satisfying.

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This post was originally published at

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