Letting Go of Being a Good Enough Mom

Would it help if I gave you permission to let go of what you think this calling of motherhood should look like to embrace the reality of what it is?

From where I stand 18 years into this journey, I can see God’s transforming work not only in me but also my legacy — He’s changed me along with my philosophy of motherhood and the way I go about “momming.”

As moms, we get to fulfill outrageously necessary responsibilities — some that we’ll love and some we’ll hate, some that will require more of us and others less. Yes, motherhood can be the very best work of our lives, but that doesn’t mean we have to love it to do it. We’ve got to be careful to not define our worth nor seek joy alone in the everyday tasks of motherhood. That means we have to stop ranking our motherhood success through moment-by-moment evaluations of our performance and that of our kiddos. 

Mamas, can we make a pact with each other and stop striving for the perfect motherhood experience . . . or the next best thing . . . being a “good enough” mom . . . ?

Letting Go of Being a Good Enough Mom


If I can just get “this thing” right with my kids, then I know I’m a good enough mom. 

If I happily play with the puzzles on the floor, then I’m a good enough mom.

If I drive the tweens to and fro without complaining, then I’m a good enough mom.

If I teach my children all the truths and they never rebel or struggle, then I’m really a good enough mom.

But what if you hate to do puzzles? What if driving all over creation makes you feel stretched too thin? What if your children refuse to heed wisdom or suffer in a way you can’t help them avoid? Are you a bad mom?

What if we never make it to the “good enough” status?

Being a “good enough” mom isn’t even the bar we should try to hurl ourselves over.

To continue reading, join me at The Better Mom.

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