Search Results for: 5 sex lies we buy and regret

5 Sex Lies We Buy and Regret

Valentines is all about romance, right? And romance is ultimately about sex, yes? And when it comes to sex, isn’t it the more the better? I know God says I should be married first, but He doesn’t want me to miss out, does he? No, not necessarily, no, and definitely not. So, why does our world tell us differently? Let’s Explore 5 Common Lies About Sex Lie #1  Sex is best enjoyed during youth. I’ll miss out if I wait until I finally get married. Though promiscuity is common in young adult fiction books, movies and television shows, the sex…

Purity is Worth the Price

I recently attended a sweet wedding.  The couple was young, not yet finished with college, so in the eyes of many they were too young to be married. But the bride and groom’s innocent joy as they entered into this covenant was radiant. During the evening, the bride’s mom smiled wistfully as she gazed at her daughter. “They might be the poorest married couple in the world for a while, but what was I supposed to do? Tell my daughter I’d rather her fall into sexual sin?” The groom’s mother made several similar comments. Both sets of parents valued the…


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