
As a former perfectionist, cancer survivor and carpet-cleaning veteran, Jennifer is passionate about sharing the grace of Jesus with women, moms, teens and tweens. Jennifer lives in Texas with her husband of 13 years and two daughters, the younger of whom has autism. Connect with Jennifer on Twitter @JenniferDyer, on her blog at, and on her FB page. You can also find her on

How can I overcome jealousy and insecurity?

Jealousy is like a hungry shark, swimming just below the surface of our thoughts. When we give it an opening, its sharp, jagged teeth snap a bite out of our joy and drag it under the surface. Lurking next to this predator named Jealousy is its twin sister, Insecurity. Together, the two can twist our thoughts and hearts into one giant mess. Confessions of a jealous person: Over the past few years, I’ve watched a beautiful acquaintance get several things I wanted. A book deal, amazing reviews by amazing people, lovely covers, awards, and more book deals. Each time I…

How do I spread the love of Jesus?

How do I spread the love of Jesus?

Have you ever heard the saying, “Share the Gospel always. Use words only when necessary.” It’s  often attributed to something said by Saint Francis of Assisi, although some believe it’s not the case. Nonetheless, it makes me think twice about how I’m living.  The world is full of people who don’t know our Lord, and perhaps one of the best ways to draw them to Him is to live like Jesus. Jesus is the light of the world. And we are called to be His light here in our lives. So, how can we be a light? We can do good things for…

God Is . . .

Does God Get Mad at Us?

Once upon a time… …a friend of mine needed some help with the bills. Her life had taken a painful turn, and she was left alone to deal with the fallout. I had some extra money at the time, so I helped her a bit. It wasn’t much, but I did what I could. A few days later, that friend went shopping. She bought something I considered to be extravagant, but in her mind was probably a necessity. Thankfully, I didn’t say anything, but my attitude changed. Instead of compassion for her situation, my heart turned cold toward her for…

The perfect beautiful outside does not make us perfect.

Beautiful Inside and Out

The perfect cake . . .  or is it? A friend recently celebrated her first wedding anniversary. Following tradition, she and her husband had frozen the top layer of their wedding cake to eat on their anniversary. They pulled the cake out of the freezer and admired the beautiful swirls of frosting preserved in perfection. But when they cut into the cake, the interior was green instead of snowy white. Something had gone wrong over the last year, and the cake was ruined. It appeared perfect on the outside, but in reality was imperfect on the inside. [Tweet “The perfect,…

You are a princess.

Redefining Self: Exchanging a Negative Self-Image for a Positive Identity in Jesus

If a teacher asked you to define your inner self in front of a class, would you find it difficult? Many of us would, in part, because the way we see ourselves deep down isn’t necessarily flattering. Though we might say things like “I’m conversational,” or “I’m shy,” inside we might be thinking things like: Hello, my name is _____ and I’m flawed, broken, damaged, and fearful. I’m a gossip/a drug addict/a worthless person who has been used by others/afraid of everything/angry/unloved. Most of us struggle with this inner negative self-definition. After all, we see ourselves as we really are. We…


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