
As a former perfectionist, cancer survivor and carpet-cleaning veteran, Jennifer is passionate about sharing the grace of Jesus with women, moms, teens and tweens. Jennifer lives in Texas with her husband of 13 years and two daughters, the younger of whom has autism. Connect with Jennifer on Twitter @JenniferDyer, on her blog at, and on her FB page. You can also find her on

Mentoring Monday: Bullies! Perspective Gained from a Victim

Lila* was a stocky girl from the poor side of town. Shy and a loner, she made the perfect target, especially for Heather*. After months of tormenting Lila with minor pranks and hateful remarks, Heather and her clique followed Lila from their high school. When Lila neared the corner of a busy street, Heather and the others shoved Lila into oncoming traffic.     Lila managed to shift so that the nearest car didn’t hit her. She swung around, using her backpack as a counterweight to regain her balance. Because they stood right behind her, Lila’s backpack hit each girl in…

5 Sex Lies We Buy and Regret

Valentines is all about romance, right? And romance is ultimately about sex, yes? And when it comes to sex, isn’t it the more the better? I know God says I should be married first, but He doesn’t want me to miss out, does he? No, not necessarily, no, and definitely not. So, why does our world tell us differently? Let’s Explore 5 Common Lies About Sex Lie #1  Sex is best enjoyed during youth. I’ll miss out if I wait until I finally get married. Though promiscuity is common in young adult fiction books, movies and television shows, the sex…

Am I good enough?

My body image struggles started early. Even in elementary school, I wouldn’t wear pants because they felt tight on my thighs. Nothing seemed to fit me the way it did my super-skinny older sister. The changes from childhood to adolescence further contorted my twisted body image. I grew taller and the scale’s number decreased. But in my mind’s eye I was still a chubby school-aged girl, awkward and homely. As I aged, my body decided to curve out, but not in the “right” places. No matter what I tried, I could not make my chest larger, nor could I make…


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