Finding a Bible

If your mission is to experience life transformed, then being in the Word should be a top priority!  The first step is finding a Bible that will make your daily reading time profitable. There are a number of different types of Bibles on the market, set apart by translation type, study style, features, size, and appearance.  To help you figure out what’s best for you, we’ve created this step-by-step guide.   Step 1:  Pick Your Translation A Bible is translated from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek in one of following ways: Word-for-Word, which is known as Formal Equivalence, places…

Can you be too young to be in love?

Young and in love.  Either we’ve been there and done that, or we are anxiously awaiting our turn to come.   It is almost every little girl’s dream to grow up, find their prince charming, experience their first kiss and have their foot pop up (think Princess Diaries), as she breathlessly declares, “I’m in love!” But when exactly is the right time to have a long awaited first love relationship? Is there a perfect age to be young and in love?  And should a young and in love couple seriously consider marriage?  What are the qualifications for getting married, especially at…

Do you have a hook in your nose?

I recently  read a passage of Scripture from 2 Chronicles 33 that resonates with an excellent book I am reading by Priscilla Shirer, “Discerning the Voice of God: How to Recognize When God Speaks.” Shirer’s main point is that God does indeed speak to His children as much today as He did with the Old Testament Prophets and New Testament Disciples.  Of course, it is hard to believe at times that God would speak to little ‘ol me and you, but yes, He does.  God is longing to get our attention and does so by speaking to us through the…

I understand the importance of modesty, but what else should we consider before walking out of the house? What’s the point of clothes? How do we honor God?

I love this question! Why? Because the sincerity of the question being asked and the desire to do things God’s way. Assuming that many of you want to do the right thing, I’m going to start with the basics and spell it out step by step. To begin with, modesty is not only the way we dress but also the way we carry ourselves. Let me offer an easy to understand analogy, in terms of food and restaurants. We all know there are different types, such as… Convenience Store (like a 7-11) Fast Food Joint (such as Mickey D’s) Chain…

What do you do when you like your ex again, but you don’t know if you can trust him because that what a problem before?

I can tell by your question that you are really torn. You must really like this guy, especially if he hurt you and you are even considering giving him your heart again. But as I listen to your question, I also see through it. I can see your longing to be loved and desire to fix something broken. Those are good desires, but at this point in your life misplaced. If you were married, you would have to work things out and learn to trust him again. But you’re not. It is time to walk away. It is time to…


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