
Are you educated about the pressures and risks upon your teens?

Are you educated about the pressures and risks on your teens?

Sexual attraction is normal. It is part of life. Especially for your children, so we have a question for you: As the mom of a tween or teen, are you keeping yourself educated about the pressures and risks upon your children? Are you intentionally engaging with your tweens and teens on the tough topics like dating, crushes, social pressures, and healthy boundaries? More than these outward manifestations, are you engaging with your child’s heart? Are you purposefully spending time with each child and making yourself available as a safe space for your children to share information and ask questions? These…

When Life Falls Apart

When Life Falls Apart: 5 Choices to Make

On the day my life fell apart, it was a cool evening, and I was just about to head out the door for a run. My body was longing to hit the road, to hear my feet pound against the pavement. It had been a long while since I had gone running, and recent events made my mind crave that time, time alone with God on the open road. And then my phone rang. Despite the fact that I didn’t want to answer, I felt a nudge inside, I knew I had to answer. As my hand clutched the phone…

We Remember 9/11…and We’re Praying

There’s not an American who isn’t aware of today being 9/11. For many of us, we can recall the moment we heard of the attacks. I had just returned from our daily morning walk with friends, nearly 9 months pregnant and still pushing my firstborn daughter in the jogging stroller.  I was just about to plop her in front of Barney to head up to the shower, when the news flashed across the screen. I thought it was a bad movie. And then I realized it was real life. Real life not too far from home. The devastation of 9/11…

Everybody is Talking About Miley, But What Are You Doing About It

I must admit, I did not see the VMA awards nor would I have even known it was on except for the buzz on my Facebook news feed about Miley’s performance. As I followed the links from one commentary to another about her “twerking” and “over-sexualized” performance my heart sank. As did many. How did we get to this place in our culture that this type of performance defines entertainment? Shrugging my shoulders, I walked away from the banter with feelings of despair. But as more and more links popped into my inbox with outraged responses over Miley’s performance, Robin…

Through Life’s Trials

Have you ever expected one thing, only to watch events unfold completely contrary to your expectations? Perhaps you… Knew you were perfect for a job, felt sure God had led you to it, yet they hired someone else? Thought you’d found the “one,” the guy God had planned for you, only to have your heart broken? Found yourself unable to fulfill some task or responsibility you were sure God wanted you to accomplish? Prayed for a loved one to experience healing from a crisis of health, and then watched them die? I think we’ve all been there—certain of one path…


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