Teen Bible Study

{2} TWOgether Study: He Knows Me

  Our girls long to be known. To feel like they matter. To believe someone sees them as valuable and significant. Maybe that is why God created mothers — to be the conduit for the power of His truth to our children. It is our place to teach our daughters exactly how He sees them. We can be the voice that says, “…out of all creation, [you] became his prized possession.” James 1:18 NLT When looking in the mirror picking themselves apart, may they be reminded of God’s promises and prayers we have spoken over them. So how exactly does…

{1} TWOgether: He Wants Me

  I’m so excited to be starting chapter one this week! I just read these lines from page 33 in His Revolutionary Love: He’s trying to get your attention too; a new friendship, days where everything seems to go just right, or someone shows that they love you just the way you are. But even on the bad days (when nothing goes right – your parents fight, your dog runs away, your best friend ignores you, and you fail your math quiz), God is still with you and still loves you! This passage got me thinking. Sometimes we are slow…

{intro} His Revolutionary Love Kickoff

  Welcome! We’re so glad your are here and exited to introduce you to Lynn Cowell, as she lead us through this study of her book His Revolutionary Love. It will be well worth your investment! First Things There are a couple of things you’ll need to get started. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to download the free leadership guide from the freebies section on Lynn Cowell’s website, {click this link}.  Not only will you find the free leadership guide, but many other free resources that will enhance this study with your girl. Second, each of you…

Mark Your Calendars for Getting TWOgether

  We are passionate about seeing moms and daughters connect in every way, because we believe moms are the best mentors for their daughters. Even though it is super valuable when other women speak into the lives of the next generation {and you already know we are passionate about that}, there is nothing like the time spent between a mother and daughter one on one. Yet, isn’t it hard to make that time! Isn’t it a challenge to set aside even an hour a week to connect in a meaningful, thoughtful, legacy-building sort of way? What is TWOgether? As a…


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