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Does a high school romance have any hope for the future?

It’s the month of love and so we’re taking extra time to answer the dating and relationship questions we often get from teen girls. Below is a second perspective on the topic of planning your future. If you missed the previous answer to this question, you can find it here. I met my first boyfriend at one of my brother’s soccer games. He was a soccer player, too, and I thought he was so cute. We were both 14 years old and freshmen in high school. He took me to the Valentine’s Day dance that year (his mother drove and…

How much should we plan?

Should my boyfriend and I plan our future?

It’s the month of love and so we’re taking extra time to answer the dating and relationship questions we often get from teen girls. Today, we have the first of two perspectives on the topic of planning your future. Join us later this week for another perspective. When I was 15 I fell in love. My heart was tuned to hear the beats of my beloved. Our bond would never fade. Our future together was set in stone. Except we broke up. And so did my heart. First of all, let me say God had His plan in mind for…

Flirting or Friendly?

Flirting or Friendly: How can I know?

He opens the door for me every time I come to the building. He seems to always laugh at my jokes. He told me my new sweater was really pretty on me. He noticed my haircut and said he liked it. Is this being flirty or friendly? How can I tell the difference? In generations past, being polite, kind, respectful and even chivalrous were a normal part of our social relations with one another. Things have changed. People are more familiar with one another, but we also tend to not show as much kindness and care. So when someone (of…

We have a responsibility to remind our daughters that they are cherished, loves, and adored by the One True King.

When She Doesn’t Feel Cherished

Cherished. That’s all I ever wanted to feel as a little girl. I wanted to know that I was the only one in his eyes. I wanted to know that I was loved and cherished, no matter what. So I spent my days trying to win his focus.  I spent my days attempting to do it all right, making sure to not disappoint my Dad, the one I wanted to cherish me. And he did cherish me, in his own way, in the only way he knew how. But it wasn’t enough; it wasn’t what my soul really needed, so…

Happy New Year & Devo Challenge

Happy New Year! Are you excited about the blank slate that lies ahead? Oh, I know. It’s not really blank. As the calendar flips from one day to the next, yesterday’s commitments, responsibilities, and challenges seem to chase us down, right?  So we can’t truly look ahead as though the teacher just wiped the homework  off the board and told us to do make up our own assignment. We still have deadlines and expectations to meet. [Tweet “So the real question I should be asking, is “Are you ready to make the most of the time ahead?” “] I hope…


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