100 Questions I Want to Tell Teen Girls


These “things” aren’t just my opinions. They are influenced and shaped by core principles found in the Word of God. And because God’s Word is always true and always timeless, I pray that they will speak life and hope into your life.

Wherever you are at in your journey, I pray these 100 Things will encourage you to make wise choices and remind you of your incredible worth and purpose in this world, as you see to build your own life upon the truth of God’s Word.

Wouldn’t it be nice to learn the hard lessons before experiencing them for ourselves?

Even though I know experience is often the best teacher, it’s my hope and prayer that you’d be willing to consider some of the most important truths I’ve learned not only through my own personal experience but also gleaned from mentoring hundreds of teen girls over the past twenty years.

These “things” aren’t just my opinions. They are influenced and shaped by core principles found in the Word of God. And because God’s Word is always true and always timeless, I pray that they will speak life and hope into your life.

Wherever you are at in your journey, I pray these 100 Things will encourage you to make wise choices and remind you of your incredible worth and purpose in this world, as you see to build your own life upon the truth of God’s Word.


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