Let Go . Delegate . Carve Out .


Ready to establish your own Let Go> Delegate > Carve Out manifesto?

Use this simple worksheet each week to prayerfully seek God and make a plan for what you should let go of, delegate, and carve out, until your rhythms are second nature.


Is busy your normal? Do you find yourself running from commitment to commitment, praying you can get all that you need to complete done between appointments?

I get it, sister.

As a work-from-home momma, running a business and ministry, there are times in which I log 50 hours a week at my computer, and that doesn’t include the hour of Netflix my husband and I enjoy most evenings.

I work both because I love what I do and also need to provide financially for our family.

Maybe you find yourself in the same place.

Yet love and need doesn’t always equal sane.

Let Go. Delegate . Carve Out.

There’s definitely a tension point to find the balance — some weeks it’s great and others weeks, well not so much.

Can you relate?

I often get asked, “How do you do it all?” Well, I don’t. And neither should you. But how do you know what to let go of? What exactly should you delegate? How can you carve out time for yourself to rest and refuel?

I don’t have those answers for you, although you might be inspired by these ideas as you seek to adjust your expectations and walk in grace.

Use this simple worksheet each week to prayerfully seek God and make a plan for what you should let go of, delegate, and carve out, until your rhythms are second nature.

If you would like help figuring out how to reprioritize your life to find sanity in the middle of your busy, this option would be great.


We're here to help you!


This is the one thing that will help you find what you need.

Drop us your name and email so that we can send you the Align Life Strategy workbook. 

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