Remember Grace: Take a Break

Do you ever feel like parenting is a little like living in a hurricane?

In certain moments of gale-force emotions and challenges, we long to take a step back, take a break, and catch our breath. We long for grace to be the moms we desire to be, to show the presence of Christ to our families.

Take a Break for Grace on @MoretoBe


Amazing grace, how sweet the sound…” Chances are you can fill in the rest of the words to this much-loved hymn. Grace is one of those core concepts that we are ever learning more about. There seems to be such a gap between head and heart that narrows a bit each time we experience another gift of grace. Somehow it becomes clearer when we step out with a generous heart to give grace to those around us.

Isn’t it easy to take grace for granted this invisible miracle of God reaching into the darkness of our hearts and giving life through forgiveness?

As mothers, we know many moments in which we need a break, need grace. On the flip side, there are just as many opportunities to wrap grace to extend to our children.

Grace for Moms

Join me for quick break, a moment of breathing deep as we reflect on the following expressions of grace selected from Romans 5.

Peace with God (5:1): Don’t we long for this peace-grace, especially when we’ve had frustrated, fighting days with children? Extend grace in conflict and give what we have received—peace with God that can become peace with others.

Hope that does not disappoint (5:5): As moms, we can have our fair share of days and nights spent worrying about our children’s directions and choices that spur concern. Sometimes there are heartbreaks of rebellion and anger. These are the days we need to take a break and remind ourselves that God’s grace and hope do not disappoint. Friend, hold onto grace to continue to hope in God for any and every situation your children go through.

Grace that makes us fit for Him (5:9): We need this transforming power of God at work in our life, and we need to believe that God will give this same grace to our children.

Love poured out through the Holy Spirit (5:8): We can never get enough of this undeserved gift of God. When my heart feels like it has run dry, I hold out my empty cup to receive this love. Some of the hardest times as a parent come when I keep trying to pour love out of a heart that has not stopped to receive. Take a break.

Reconciliation received (5:16): It is indeed amazing grace that even while we were sinners, Christ died for us. This rescuing act of grace completely changes a life. Indeed, this is grace for moms and teens, particularly on the hard, can’t-see-the-light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel days.

Saved by His life with breathtaking life-recovery (5:17): What would we be without this grace? There is no problem too big, no mistake too wide, no heartbreak too deep for the redeeming stamp of grace on a life.

Gift of righteousness through God’s wildly extravagant life-gift (5:17): Truly, we cannot out-give God. He has given us all that we need in these grace gifts. The more we receive, the more we can give this crazy thing called love.

Grace reigns (5:21): This is the sovereignty of God worked out in this grand setting-everything-right. Oh, sweet friend, are you like me, in need of remembering that at the end of every day, grace reigns over every shortcoming, every mistake, every cross word, every gaping, anxious question?

Take a break today. How will remembering that grace reigns make your soul prosper


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