Month: October 2014

You Are Chosen

{3.31} Chosen for Impact

:: this post is a part of the 3.31 IMPACT series :: If you would like to be encouraged further in living a live a life of impact, grab a copy of Impact My Life: Biblical Mentoring Simplified.   Focus 1 Peter 2:9 CEV But you are God’s chosen and special people. You are a group of royal priests and a holy nation. God has brought you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Now you must tell all the wonderful things that he has done. Decision You are chosen. You are special. You are royal. You are holy. And God has done…

All Things Work

{3.31} For the Good

: this post is a part of the 3.31 IMPACT series :: If you would like to be encouraged further in living a live a life of impact, grab a copy of Impact My Life: Biblical Mentoring Simplified. Focus Romans 8:28 ESV And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Decision Did you know that the journey of suffering has the potential to burst forth in your life the deepest level of intimacy with God? [Tweet “Oh yes, when life beats us down, all we can do…

Is that what you’re wearing?

Is clothing an ongoing debate with your your tween or teenage daughter? Have you caught yourself saying things to her like, “What ARE you thinking? Did you even look in the mirror? Have you heard nothing that I’ve taught you about modesty over all these years?” Well, my friend, you’re not alone. Mommas across the United States and beyond wrestle through this clothing debate with their daughters daily. But what if that norm could be transformed? What if there was another way to think upon the matter of clothing and your response? Come join me over at The M.O.M. Initiative…

Resurrection Hope

{3.31} Will you stand up?

:: this post is a part of the 3.31 IMPACT series :: If you would like to be encouraged further in living a live a life of impact, grab a copy of Impact My Life: Biblical Mentoring Simplified. Focus Matthew 10:32-39 MSG Stand up for me against world opinion and I’ll stand up for you before my Father in heaven. If you turn tail and run, do you think I’ll cover for you? Don’t think I’ve come to make life cozy. I’ve come to cut—make a sharp knife-cut between son and father, daughter and mother, bride and mother-in-law—cut through these cozy domestic arrangements…

We don't have to work at being good enough for God.

{3.31} You Don’t Have to Be Good Enough

  :: this post is a part of the 3.31 IMPACT series :: If you would like to be encouraged further in living a live a life of impact, grab a copy of Impact My Life: Biblical Mentoring Simplified.   Focus Acts 2:38 ESV And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Romans 6:23 ESV For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.…


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