For Days When You Feel Like Giving Up

It was 9:30 am when I decided it was just going to be a bad day.

I had already had computer problems, car problems, and caught more commercials on the radio on the way to school than should be legal. I parked on campus and put my head on the steering wheel. A full day of classes loomed ahead of me, with the slots in between filled with classwork. But I just felt tired.

He Never Gives Up

What to do when the weary outweighs the warrior-heart in you?

How can you lose the weak and regain the spirit of grace ready to fight for life?

1. Fill Up

I sat there a moment and just let the worship music wafting from my radio take over. Desperation clawed at my throat, but I ignored it and sought Jesus. Sometimes all it takes to remember who you are is to remember who He is.

So turn on the radio and spend three minutes singing your heart out. Get out that dusty journal and write a poem ~ no matter how bad ~ telling Him how you love Him. Pick up your Bible outside your regular devotional time and read a Psalm of praise.

2. Build Up

I got out of my car, clutched my books and binder to my chest, and walked around campus, forcing a smile to my  face and a “hello” to my lips. What surprised me were the looks of surprise on other’s faces. There’s no rule that you can’t be kind to complete strangers.

How can you brighten someone’s day today ~ in a way they weren’t expecting you to? Pay for the person behind you in the drive-through. Let that young girl with only a milk carton in her hand get in front of you in the check-out line. Make small-talk with the bank teller. Message a friend on Facebook and just ask them how you can pray for them.for_20s_button

3. Mix Up

When I got to class, a good friend asked me, “How are you today?” Instead of the usual “Fine, thanks. And you?” I tacked on the brave and told her my morning had been pretty crumby. She smiled in sympathy, and we continued to talk, two Christians acknowledging that life is not all rainbows, but life is always in His hands.

Step outside your comfort zone and admit to someone you feel tired today. Text some friends and swap prayer requests. Tell the person who sees you reading your Bible on the park bench that yes, life is in these words, even if life is not always alive in you.

Be real. Be ready for days when you decide it’s just a lost cause.

‘Cause it never is.

Remember on days when you feel like giving up, He will never give up on you. <–click to tweet

3 thoughts on “For Days When You Feel Like Giving Up”

  1. Rachelle,

    Wonderful post. I find God’s sense of humor so amazing sometimes. Just as I clicked publish on my latest post this morning about icky days I come to M2B and read your honest words. I got a double dose of rememberance this morning. Thank you!

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