Cherie Werner

Cherie Werner is a mother to three daughters ages 25, 23, and 13. She is passionate about spiritual growth, husband and her family. She loves to learn, and believes that the key to true success in relationships is loving others authentically. Cherie is keen on encouraging women in their roles as wives and mothers. It is her desire to help women become aware of the legacy that they want to leave behind. Writing and speaking is a way for her to share what she has learned along the journey. Visit Cherie at

Real Questions: How Do I Get Over My Bitterness

Real Question: Lately, after a big situation happened in my life, I’ve just been so bitter. I have been praying about it and talking with the people I trust, but it is just really hard. What can I do?   Real Answer: Courtney Werner says: Sometimes, hard things happen in life. You are unable to control what happens, but you can decide how you will respond to it. I believe that God works out everything together for good. This truth keeps me feeling peaceful when my circumstances are rough, because it reminds me that God really cares for me and…

5 Practical Ways to Pass on Your Faith

5 Practical Ways to Pass on Your Faith

Cultivating within your child a love for the Lord and His word actually begins with You. In Scripture, God specifically places the responsibility for nurturing a child’s spiritual development on the parents, as seen in Deuteronomy 6:1-7 and Psalm 78. We are told to seek God and His word for discovering the values we should pass on to our children. The most powerful influence we have upon our children’s early spiritual formation occurs through how we love and relate to them amidst the throes of life.   Begin with the End in Mind I feel it’s also important to “begin with the end in…

The 10 R's for Replacing Lies with the Truth

The 10 Rs for Replacing Lies with the Truth

How do you define yourself? Is it by your possessions, accomplishments, or the way others perceive you? Do you  see yourself according to what I do? I am a student, friend, teacher, mother, etc. Do you define yourself by what you achieve? I’m an honor student, class president, homecoming queen, etc. Do you define yourself by what others say about you? I’m smart, pretty, ugly, funny, amazing, clumsy, annoying, etc. Do you define yourself according to your personality or temperament? I’m outgoing, shy, Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy, and Phlegmatic, etc. If you identify yourself by what you do then, you will…

Real Answers: What are different ways to show love?

Real Question: What are some different ways to show love?   A Twenty-Something’s Perspective . . . Courtney’s answer: There are many different ways to show love. The most common include physical touch, acts of service, quality time, gifts, and words of affirmation. I have been realizing that I often show love how I wish to receive love. While this isn’t bad, it is helpful to take a second to ask how your friend or significant other receives love. Just recently, I realized that my roommate feels most loved through acts of service. This is not my favorite way to…

Are you educated about the pressures and risks upon your teens?

Are you educated about the pressures and risks on your teens?

Sexual attraction is normal. It is part of life. Especially for your children, so we have a question for you: As the mom of a tween or teen, are you keeping yourself educated about the pressures and risks upon your children? Are you intentionally engaging with your tweens and teens on the tough topics like dating, crushes, social pressures, and healthy boundaries? More than these outward manifestations, are you engaging with your child’s heart? Are you purposefully spending time with each child and making yourself available as a safe space for your children to share information and ask questions? These…


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