Becoming the Church

Church: A Place to Go and a Call to Be

As Christians, we are supposed to be the hands and feet of Christ. We are supposed to show His love. We’re not supposed to go to church on Wednesday night or Saturday evening or Sunday morning and say “Hallelujah!” “Amen!” “Praise the Lord,” and walk away, doing nothing with that overflow of joy. Don’t get me wrong, it’s wonderful to rejoice and praise God in the family of believers at church, to bring your requests to God, knowing they will be answered.   But God calls us to do more. Everywhere I look (at church and elsewhere), I see hurting people, whether their needs are physical, emotional,…

Stay Steady, Stay Strong

The day he did push-ups in the middle of the four-lane road, I thought my teenager had lost his mind. A group of lanky, long-limbed teenage boys, full of life and bravado, were waiting for the bus, egging each other on to new feats of foolishness. It became a competition of sorts. I got a call from a friend, who just happened to be passing the bus stop. It’s never fun to hear, “Do you know what your son is doing?” [Tweet “Parenting teens has those surprise moments that bring you up short & make it hard to be steady.…

The Upside Down Way of Mothering Teens

Dear Moms of Tweens & Teens, I’ve been thinking of this letter for months now, wondering what exactly I would say to encourage you while you’re in the very deep trenches of parenting tweens and teens. See, I know from being right there with you, that what I say may seem rather shallow since I’ve not walked the road and ended up on the other side of it yet. But I’m hoping that my words will meet you right where you are, as one who knows it’s challenges and rewards. So here’s what I do know . . .  …

Life is Not About the Dream

{Part 2} Exclusive Interview with Sarah Drew from Moms Night Out

As I shared yesterday, Sarah Drew is more than a Hollywood star to me. She’s my former pastor’s daughter and a girl who I stood marveling at while she effortlessly captured my heart on the very stage my own children now perform on. Sarah’s talent was more than evident as a teenager — we knew God gifted her with a passion for all things theatrical.  Her steady faith, even as a teen, was equally palpable. As the years have passed, I’ve wondered what life has really been like  for Sarah, as she’s tasted the lures of Hollywood. I’ve heard from…

Exclusive Interview with Sarah Drew

{Part 1} Mom, do you need a night out?

Okay, be honest. Mom, do you need a night out? Or how about a night a laughter, when you put the realities of your day…week…month…year aside? How about a moment — just one moment — when you can stop and laugh with friends about this journey called motherhood? This mommy-thing is tough stuff, whether we’re raising up toddlers or teens. The relentless demands upon our bodies never ends, from diaper duty to the oh-so-stinky-uniform-washing. As our hearts grow bigger with love for our kiddos, so does the ache over the decisions they make that lead down a not-so-great path. Our…


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