A Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very-Bad Day

I’m delighted to introduce to one of our newest monthly contributors, Kathy.  She is a good friend and a woman worth listening to, with her heart for the Lord and commitment to living out His Word.  Her perspective is a gift to us and I encourage you to soak in Kathy’s thoughts each month as she shares a Word wrapped in personal experience.  Kathy is a freelance writer and editor who lives on Long Island with her husband and three kids. I have a favorite story from when I was a little girl called “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good,…

{download} Top 10 Ideas for Getting into the Word

Getting into the Word may feel a lot like a taking a cross country trip without a map. You know your destination — to get the Word into your heart and mind — but may not have a game plan for getting the job done. Bible reading plans provide the map for getting into the Word and being transformed by the Truth. In the same way you might use Google Maps or an old fashion paper map to plot your course and determine the best route to get to your destination, a Bible reading plan offers direction and purpose for your…

{Keeping It Real Link Up} If only I were a kangaroo!

As I stare at June 29th on the calendar, I suddenly find my self wondering… How have I been transparent with others this month? Have I unintentionally put on a mask and misled others about my reality? The answer is both yes and no. I suppose that is because I’ve learned to wear my heart on my sleeve with discretion.  My close friends know the struggle. I let them into the story and allow them to empathize with the pain.  They offer their prayer-filled words of encouragement and I find in their eyes the love of Jesus to fill my…

{Top 10} What do you really want to know about?

More to Be is definitely an unusual place.  As a matter of fact, we’ve not come across a single other ministry, online or in real life, that is seeking to do what we do… Impact tween through twenty-something gals with the Truth AND inspire Christian women to mentor! Yes, there are wonderful organizations that offer Biblical encouragement, relevant truth, and inspiring words, such as the ones we highly recommend here,  but More to Be stands apart because we look at the female heart with a slightly different perspective.  Instead of defining generational lines and dividing gals into groups by age,…

Being His Before Being Theirs

Somehow, some way you became a mom. After nine months of pregnancy, or prayerful hours of waiting for your forever child, you became fitted with a new title, Mom, and a new responsibility, Motherhood. You may not have a degree or beautiful diploma to make you feel qualified for the position, but you have been hand picked by God to carry out the calling of being your child’s mommy. Becoming a mother, however, doesn’t mean you cease being a saved-by-grace child of God. Somehow, we mommas tend to forget that the definition of me is not written by the Crayola…


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