In-Between Days

What about the in-between days? The inbox-empty-hands-clenched days? The crying-my-heart-out-in-the-shower days? Rush of emotion flows through my soul, my stomach, my stuttering fingers. Have you ever woken up to the waiting, the pressing waiting? Perhaps for news that the class schedule you want so badly is finally yours…or a phone call from the doctor…or a ring from your man…or some kind of something that says I love you from someone, anyone. I’m a list gal. An organization junkie. The kind of person who, if I don’t write it down, it most likely won’t get done. I like to have my…

{Feature It} Stress Point

A brand new book for twenty-somethings,  Stress Point: Thriving Through Your Twenties in a Decade of Drama, hit the shelves this past spring from speaker and author, Sarah Francis Martin. As a regular drop in visitor to her blog, Live it Out, I had the privilege to witness this process in the making, and it was with great joy to see Sarah bring a new voice to content relevant to twenty-somethings. As Sarah puts it on her blog,”She tries (key word) to live out the Kingship of Christ in everyday life and loves ministering to 20-somethings!” In a bubbly and…

I Still Don’t Agree With Their Definition of Beauty

Over the last few days, my inbox has been hopping with news about the latest decision from Seventeen Magazine to publish a selection of photos that have not been digitally altered, buckling under the pressure of a social media campaign led by SPARK along with Miss Representation, Love Social, Endangered Bodies, and I Am That Girl.* This buzz, which originally began with a 14 year old ballet dancer from Maine writing a letter to the publisher of Seventeen requesting the publication of one unaltered photo a month, which was initially declined, is hitting Facebook and is all over feminist-laden online…

Can women have it all?

Megan (our spiritually adopted daughter who just graduated from college and has entered the working world), knew I’d be keen on this article she came across, “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All,” for she’s heard my frustrations over the challenges of being committed to raising our family and temptation to fill my schedule with all sorts of visionary ideas. Yes, my natural wiring likes to convince me that I can do it all.  Of course, the Enemy worms his way into my thinking, deceiving me with lies that I should be able to do it all. And then I…

Praising God in Spanglish!?

Do you speak another language? Do you want to learn another language? Have you sung songs or been to church in another language? Easy…turn to Hillsong! This popular and well known music group originating in Australia, sings songs in other languages. I live in Paraguay and I attend a church that holds 10,000 people. Every Sunday they have newcomers come to the front and receive prayer and a pamphlet…there are at least 100 newcomers every single Sunday. The service begins with approximately 45 minutes of worship and song. Imagine walking into your church and hearing at least 5,000 people singing…


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