Learning to Thrive

Learning to Thrive {Podcast #702}

If you hit pause to reflect on the state of your life right now, what is the first word that comes to mind that best describes how you feel? I can only imagine some of the words that might slip off your lips and out of your heart . . . overwhelmed anxious sad confused frustrated defeated lonely If this is you, you’re not alone. Between the state of the world amidst COVID and all the turmoil in politics, the culture, and the economy, it is no surprise. But sister, there is another way to live, even when everything around…

From Brokenhearted to Holy Breakthrough

Turning to check my rearview mirror, I felt an ever-so-familiar twinge in my back and feared a spasm that would take me down for a day or two. Instead, life came to a screeching halt with doctor’s orders for complete rest. I was in too much pain to resist and I sensed a divine appointment as I remembered a verse I had recently read in Isaiah: “Only in returning to me  and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength.  But you would have none of it.” (Isaiah 30:15, CSB) I did not want to…

No Substitutions: God is Enough

No Substitutes: Because God is Enough

Have you ever embraced a sugar fast? Or maybe a social media fast? If so, have you noticed how often your fast from __________ results in a series of substitutions rather than single-hearted focused on Jesus? I saw this play out so profoundly in my most recent sugar fast. Instead of that piece of chocolate after lunch, I grab a clementine. Sure, it’s healthy, but it is a substitute for a sweet fix. By 3 pm, when I’m craving an afternoon cookie, I turn to a gluten-free granola bar. It may not be as scrumptious, but it seems to work…

Beyond the Highlight Reel with Meredith Boggs {Podcast #701}

Do you feel like you are the only one whose life does not look perfect? Maybe all you can see is the wreck in your home and in your relationships. Maybe all you feel is distracted and exhausted. While 2020 was tough for everyone, it did not stop the barrage of social media highlights, comparison traps, and endless cycles of saying you’ll stop scrolling social media and then being sucked right back in. So what does it look like to live beyond the highlight reel? It’s gritty and tough. Yes, it is still full of overflowing kitchen sinks and the…

Let Go and Live: A Vision for Breakthrough

Let Go and Live: A Vision for Breakthrough {Podcast #700}

What is that one thing . . . that one hurt . . . that one disappointment . . .that one habit . . . that continues to rob your life of joy and holds you back from the life you know God wants you live? More importantly, what would it take to finally experience breakthrough in that area of your life? Are you hoping that God would simply sweep in and break the stronghold? Would you like Him to relieve you from the guilt or shame, anxiety or fear, like a fairy godmother waving her wand? Maybe you think…


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