Meet the New You

For I have put my hope in your word!

One Year, One Word . . . or Maybe More

Are you a “One Word” girl? Do you pick a theme word for the year as a way of focusing on a particular lesson or idea? Long before One Word became a thing, I was a one word girl, seeking God to impress upon my heart a message for the coming year. It was a natural overflow from some deep and long seasons filled with trials and challenges. I need HIS word to speak to hope to my heart, not only when things are tough but even when they are good. It’s so easy to get distracted by blessings and drift…

Overcoming Perfectionism: Chatting with Sarah Bagley

Is perfection something you struggle with? Do you fear failing more than you crave experiencing joy in the journey?   Sarah Bagley and I have quite the rich conversation about how to overcoming perfectionism and move past fear of failing, or falling . . . as I share about my daughter’s first spill in horseback riding! But that’s not all we chat about. We consider what it looks like to mentor the next generation (my heart, as you know) as well as the process that happened behind the scenes in how Meet the New You came to be. Click on over to…

God accomplishes much in the waiting because it's then that he has our fullest attention.

The Heart Shaping That Happens in The Waiting

Impatient may very well be my middle name. When I get an idea in my head, I move on it. When I have an opinion, I speak it. When I conceive of a way things can be improved, I go right to work on the major components to bring about change. While this passion and vision may be strengths of my personality, they can also become the source of chaos and conflict. [Tweet “When we don’t take time to wait on the Lord for His leading, we risk living with much regret.”] This is a lesson I’ve learned the hard…

What would it look like to live with legacy vision?

How to Live with Legacy Vision

If a perfect stranger asked your children to describe you, what would they say? Might they share as my son did when he was in preschool, “Well, my mom vacuums a lot. And she gives great hugs.” Or would they have his twin’s perspective: “She works on the computer, takes me on errands with her, and doesn’t like to be interrupted.” Ahem. True, but not quite as endearing. If you asked my teen daughters to describe me now compared to when they were little, you’d get quite a different perspective. They might say something like, “She used to yell A…

God does not expect us to model perfection but rather transformation.

The Benefits of Modeling Transformation

When my son walked into the room, I knew it wasn’t good. His eyes were wet and voice quivering. I hadn’t heard any ruckus before he showed up, so I was pretty sure it couldn’t be all that bad. In a whisper, he confessed that the crockpot slipped through his hands while he was washing it and cracked into two pieces in the sink. The boy was scared I might lose it, as I suspect any ten year old might feel after breaking their mom’s favorite kitchen tool. But by the grace, it wasn’t even hard to keep my composure as…


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