Meet the New You

Practicing the Art of Adventure

Practicing the Art of Adventure

What does it look like to practice the art of adventure? Well according to life coach Charissa Steyn, Practicing the Art of Adventure looks like this: A woman who is Practicing the Art of Adventure in her daily life-stepping into the unknown, embracing change, trusting Him, leaving fear, and loving extravagantly, all the while, traveling deeper into God’s heart. It’s Charissa’s desire to encourage all of us to step in adventure, no matter what season of life we may find yourself in. She says, “May you see that everyday is an opportunity to practice the art of adventure as you abide with Jesus.” Join…

Sometimes we have to look back to grow forward.

Looking Back to Grow Forward

Were you the type of girl who made vows about how you were going to do that a whole lot differently when you grew up? I certainly did, as I dreamed about securing a high-paying job, finding my knight in shining armor, and having no more than two perfectly well behaved children. Shall we say that’s not how my life turned out? How about yours? While my life has been full of unexpected outcomes and steeped in beautiful blessings, not everything on the outside reveals what’s happened on the inside. It’s like the linoleum tile in that one house we owned.…

5 Ways to Find Hope & Help When Life's Too Much

Five Ways to Find Hope & Help When Life’s Too Much

As I reached over to unbuckle my seatbelt, my friend grab my arm gently and looked straight into my eyes. Lisa, have you thought about you and Stephen going for counseling together? I laughed out loud, as while my husband was super supportive of doing whatever it takes for me to become emotionally healthy and whole, he was never one to embrace the process of counseling. However, I told her to give me the number of her counselor and I’d mention it to him. To my great surprise, Stephen said yes to the idea of counseling, and so I booked…

There’s Always More to the Story

How many times do you catch yourself looking across a room at someone else, longing for what they appear to have? We compare ourselves to a perception of reality, whether it’s a desire to be thin-boned instead of big-boned, a fashionista instead of fashion disaster, poised and articulate instead of stumbling through our words. We want those well behaved children instead of the ones climbing up the walls behind us. We’d like their square-footage, perfect for hosting fab parties, instead of the coziness of our own humble abode. But what if we stopped to think about what else goes along…

New Year, New You: Start with Prayer

It’s the New Year, so of course everyone is talking about resolutions and fresh new beginnings. It’s as though there is something magically about the calendar changing digits. Isn’t that ironic since yesterday’s problems seem to always worm their way into today’s reality. We long for fresh starts. We long for clean slates. But the stories God is writing in our lives build upon the days we’ve already lived. What was is shaping what is and everything that is yet to come. We don’t need a delete button to erase our past. We need a Redeemer to reshape our future according…


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