Transformed Tuesdays

Transformed Tuesday: Dirt Road Detours

As a child I remember spending countless hours playing along the dirt roads that surrounded my house.  Once however, I walked to a wooded area where I had never been.  After a while, I realized the path leading home was nowhere in sight.  The tall trees that had lured me away, now seemed overwhelming. Not sure where I was or what had happened, my parents began to panic and formed a neighborhood search.  By the time my father found me, he was frightened, furious, and relieved all at the same time.  Though I knew I would soon face punishment, at…

Transformed Tuesday: Life Time

I think I’ve lost something. And I’m working hard to find it. Well, my Father is helping me find it again. I have been known to stay up late, too late–particularly when I am determined to complete a project I just want to get done.   Imagine a project to which God invites you to partner with Him. It is beautiful. It is wild. It is beyond what you could ever imagine dreaming for yourself, on your own. When God invites us to go on an adventure with Him, our heart awakens to possibility. We are full of passion. We are…

Transformed Tuesday: Equipped for Every Good Work

Last year while on vacation, I convinced my husband to take a quick detour off the beaten path. I’d noticed a small sign announcing a waterfall and thought it would be a great opportunity to experience one of God’s many wonders of the world.   Loaded in our mini-van with two tired kids, a dog, and a GPS, we made our way up the mountain anticipating the beautiful landscape we’d soon experience. The narrow, gravelled road was not what I’d expected and the distance was much longer than I’d assumed. With no more signs, a GPS claiming we’d fallen off…

Transformed Tuesday: Living Intentionally on Purpose

Do you ever have days when you feel as if someone has pressed the “repeat” button on your life? For me, life can seem mundane and repetitive at times.  I get up, shower, make breakfast, get the kids up and ready and out the door, get myself to work, come home, make dinner, do laundry, give love, offer hugs and kisses, write, blog, chat, and go to bed.  And the next day, I’m at it again, my life on repeat. Even in the midst of the mundane, it is possible to come to a place of intentional living and be…

Transformed Tuesday: Living Over the Rainbow–Today

Have you ever been physically in one place while your mind wandered off somewhere else? Within our busyness, it’s easy to disconnect ourselves from reality. Life can be hectic and stressful. It’s tempting for us to zone out of our lives and dream about ‘somewhere over the rainbow’ or live within a someday mentality filled with ‘what ifs’ and waiting for the next best thing. Oftentimes, our dream state is filled with good intentions.       We wonder what God has planned for us. Uncertain of our purpose, we dream of the day when we’re living it out within…


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