Life Coaching

How can I see myself as God sees me?

How Can I See Myself as God Sees Me?

I was recently asked a thought-provoking question:   How can I see myself as God sees me? It’s a tough question to answer because it’s not something we can fix for someone else. There’s no switch to flip or magic potion to take to gain new vision. However, there is a mindset shift we can each embrace personally and that starts with an awareness of what we’re thinking about ourselves in the first place. For example, in the life coaching class I teach, there is one principle in the session on identity in which we are challenged to consider whether we (or…

Raising Christian Teens

Raising Christian Teens in Today’s World

    What a privilege to be to a guest on Leigh Dusek’s Honest Coffee Chats podcast! It was literally an afternoon spent chatting away, just as though we were sitting on the couch side-by-side sipping coffee. We talked about all sorts of topics, from moving to marriage, humility and anger, prayer and parenting, especially teenagers . . . You are not your past. Christ can redeem you and your legacy. That fire of anger burning inside of you can be yielded to God. [Tweet ” Humility and apology are game changers in relationships and especially in parenting.”] What if you approached…

How can I get on the right track?

How Can I Get on the Right Track?

Real Question:   How do I get on the right track and stay focused on God and His word? I lack perseverance and strength. How do I build those qualities in myself?   Real Solution: As I consider this question, I’m struck by four key words:  track, stay, perseverance, and strength. Don’t these words describe the epitome of an athlete, and in particular a runner? Picture an Olympic track star and all that defines their training program: they must get out on the track daily they must stay the course of their training routine, even off the track they must persevere through pain, setback, injury, loss,…

Four Key Steps Toward Real Life Change

Do you know what the secret is to experiencing real life change? Oh, yes, there’s a secret. It’s not a magic pill. It’s not some big expensive program or eCourse you need to invest into. Nor is it something that you should hire someone to accomplish for you, although that would be ideal. It’s not even something that you can demand of God, although submitting to Him will make the process a whole lot easier. The secret to real life change begins with the “ah-ha.” What’s an “ah-ha”? As I learned through my life coaching training, and have come to see in my own…

Practicing the Art of Adventure

Practicing the Art of Adventure

What does it look like to practice the art of adventure? Well according to life coach Charissa Steyn, Practicing the Art of Adventure looks like this: A woman who is Practicing the Art of Adventure in her daily life-stepping into the unknown, embracing change, trusting Him, leaving fear, and loving extravagantly, all the while, traveling deeper into God’s heart. It’s Charissa’s desire to encourage all of us to step in adventure, no matter what season of life we may find yourself in. She says, “May you see that everyday is an opportunity to practice the art of adventure as you abide with Jesus.” Join…


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