
The Power of Story in Mentoring

The Power of Story in Mentoring

I always had a heart for encouraging younger girls and sharing lessons of life with them. Even as far back as high school, I would take a few younger friends under my wing. Once I became a Christian in college and returned home, I settled into my church and began work with the youth ministry. Two years later, my husband and I began living and working at a boarding school. Living in a dorm with 40 teenage boys from around the world made me pretty desperate for girls of any age, so I slipped over to one of the girls’ dorms one…

A Gift Worth Giving

A Gift Worth Giving

When I was 11, my best friend was a girl named Sarah. She was full of energy, adventurous, and loved Jesus more than just about anyone I had ever met. Although I attended church here and there with my own family, the zeal for Christ that Sarah and her family had was new to me, and I was a bit smitten with the way they lived their lives. I can remember play dates that included listening to Adventures in Odyssey while we played games and ate snacks. Almost every memory I have of time spent with Sarah includes something related…

Understanding Our Generational Differences {Part 2}

Understanding Generational Differences {Part 2}

Curious about understanding the impact of generational differences? We started the conversation here.  Whether we’re seeking to connect one-on-one in a mentoring relationship, interacting in a family setting, or working with a ministry team with men and women from all walks of life, we know one thing is true: We all see life from a unique vantage point that’s been influenced by our God-given wiring and the generational influences upon us. However, I do believe it is possible to come to the table in the pursuit of unity for the sake of effective impact through applying the following six key principles drawn from Romans 12. These principles…

Understanding Our Generational Differences {Part 1}

Understanding Generational Differences {Part 1}

Have you ever considered how each generation stands apart from others based on its age and unique experiences? Think about it for a moment. What major political, social, or pop-culture movement has impacted your life? What experience do you share with those in your peer group? Was it the day JFK was shot? Or when the Challenger crashed? Do you remember OJ Simpson’s highway chase? Or seeing the news report as 9/11 was unfolding?  These events, traumatic as some of them may be, shaped your life and bond you with others in your generation. Maybe it’s not so much a national event…

When Our Calling and Career Feels Like It Doesn't Fit

When Our Calling and Career Doesn’t Feel Like It Fits

Do you ever feel like “one of these things is not like the other” is your mantra? Well, that’s often how I’ve felt, especially in my family and circle of friends, until God opened my eyes to see the why behind the what of how I feel and think and function through an unexpected experience. I had the opportunity to accompany my husband to a dinner and lecture at his work, and honestly, went along to keep him company. I knew of the speaker, and was intrigued by his role as an artist and professor at a Christian college. What…


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