
Summer days at home . . .

The Un-Scheduled Summer

This has been the most unusual summer for us, marked by sweetly un-rushed late night family times and lazy late-rising mornings. That’s because it’s the first summer in which no-one is heading out the door to camp or hurrying off to youth events at church. I know, how un-America. How un-scheduled! How un-expected! And how absolutely wonderful! I’m not sure we’ll ever go back to our old habit of planning out summer days and filling them up with activities. There’s nothing like hours spent reading, playing board games, getting in some modern-day screen time, or watching a movie on a…

{Podcast} Overcoming Comparision on Inspired to Action

It seems we keep coming back to topic of comparison! I suppose that’s because we all struggle, to some degree or another, with our sense of worth and tendency to measure ourselves up against others — whether those “others” are our friends or family members, or those we don’t really know, like “the stars” or even “big time” bloggers. We look at others from a one-dimensional vantage point but evaluate ourselves from a three-dimensional perspective. Now is that really fair? No, it’s not fair to us — or them — to compare ourselves! So how about we stop looking left…

Are you educated about the pressures and risks upon your teens?

Are you educated about the pressures and risks on your teens?

Sexual attraction is normal. It is part of life. Especially for your children, so we have a question for you: As the mom of a tween or teen, are you keeping yourself educated about the pressures and risks upon your children? Are you intentionally engaging with your tweens and teens on the tough topics like dating, crushes, social pressures, and healthy boundaries? More than these outward manifestations, are you engaging with your child’s heart? Are you purposefully spending time with each child and making yourself available as a safe space for your children to share information and ask questions? These…

Momma Wisdom

M2B Podcast: Being Real

It’s time to bring you our next episode of the M2B Podcast as our host and founder, Elisa Pulliam, chats with fellow M2B team member Kristie Cocking on “Being Real.” Kristie is a mom in the trenches of raising girls and also serves in ministry at her church as well as behind the scenes on the More to Be team. In this episode, Elisa and Kristie tackle the topic of what it means to be real, online and in real life, especially in motherhood and beyond. Their conversation flows with laughter and confessions, as they touch upon topics relevant to…

Grace Gifts

Celebrating Your Children Every Day

You must prepare yourself to live a life of grace with your children. The first and most important thing is to be connected to the Source of grace!  You must fight for time to be in the Word and prayer. Nurture your relationship with God. As we press in and depend upon the Source, we are given what we need to face the daily stuff of life.  We also are provided with the ability to pour that same grace out onto our precious children. Second, evaluate how you are viewing those precious people God has entrusted to you!  Do you…


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