Real Questions, Real Answers for Teen Girls

How should we act at parties? Like dancing and stuff?

I have to admit, I like a good party as much as the next girl. I love to dance and laugh and have a good time. Don’t forget, Jesus was at a wedding in Cana (see John 2:1-11). Back then, the celebrations lasted days! I bet it was a blast! Lots of dancing, laughing, and fun. But I suspect you are not question whether we should dance, but rather how should we dance.   Here are a couple of Scriptures that can help us settle this matter: Romans 13:13-14 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and…

I know that God and prayer shouldn’t just be something we throw into our schedule for a few minutes, but at school this doesn’t really seem to be working out because of all we have to do. How do we make it work?

I know that God and prayer shouldn’t just be something we throw into our schedule for a few minutes, but at school this doesn’t really seem to be working out because of all we have to do.  How do we make it work? Finding the time to devote to our relationship with the Lord, and specifically prayer, is always difficult.  It is so easy to think that at another time in life, it will be easier, but to be honest, it is not. At your age, the challenges are school and friends.  In a few years, it might be internships…

Should you still be friends with someone who negatively influences you?

Should you still be friends with someone who negatively influences you? You will not like my answer to this question. It is: no. Before I go on, I want to add some caveats. I do not mean that you completely cut the person off and ignore them as if they do not exist. I also do not mean to imply that someone who is a bad influence is a lost cause and can never change. What I mean is simply this, if someone is causing you to stumble and have negative experiences, you should no longer devote your time and…

Help for a friend!

…I have a friend who has been physically and emotionally abused. He is an atheist because he says that God left him all those times he was being abused. He struggles with the idea of Christianity, but it willing to listen. However, too many people have preached at him, telling him he will go to hell if he doesn’t changed. What do I say to him? I really care a lot, and want to help him. We all have friends who have been hurt by life’s experiences and are struggling to believe the truth of God’s love, forgiveness, and mercy.…

What is the best way to handle gossip?

What is the best way to handle gossip? When a person gossips, they are failing to love the person they speak about. It may be true that one does not like that person, that the person did something annoying or stupid, and it may feel good to “vent your frustration” about it. But as Christians, there is a better way. Luke 6:27-28 “But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” How can we possibly love our “enemies”?  Only through prayer.…


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