Search Results for: time

How do you change your habits and thinking?

First off, change is really possible. Second, change is hard because it takes work and time. Third, changing our behavior, permanently, often requires more than just will power; it requires a change in our thinking and the state of our heart. So, if you really want to change, I suggest you do the following: Evaluate the behaviors you want to change. Be honest by comparing them to Scripture. Pray and ask God to show you why you act the way you do and why or when those beliefs began. Take your beliefs and look to the Scriptures to find out…

What should we do when are REALLY angry? Should we tell God?

Anger is an emotion that usually rears its ugly head when an injustice is felt. Sometimes that injustice is real — like the sudden death of a loved one. Other times it is personal — like when life doesn’t go your way. Sometimes anger is the response to feeling attacked or treated unfairly. No matter what the source of the anger, it wells up inside and often seems uncontrollable. The most important thing to remember is that anger, in and of itself is not wrong. But what you do with that anger can be very wrong. God says in Ephesians…

Find a Christian Mentor

Are you craving a mentor? Do you wish someone would come alongside you and invest in your life? Well, you’re not alone. And the good news is that there is a good chance that a mentor is in arms reach if you know what to look for and are willing to receive the gift of a mentor in a way that you might not have thought of before. A Christian mentor is simply someone committed to offering to you love, guidance, support, and accountability, all founded on Biblical truth, as you journey through life.  So can you think of at…

What Others Are Saying

Lisa counts it as a privilege to share the Gospel when the opportunity arises, and spends significant time in prayer and study of Scripture prior to each event.  This is a just a bit of what others are saying about her ministry, coaching services, and speaking engagements: “Elisa Pulliam is the coach I always wish I had. In her book Meet the New You, she uses her signature grace-filled and honest approach to help you uncover the person you were created to be. If you are ready for a change in direction or simply want to refresh your heart, walk…

Speaking Topics

helping you experience wholehearted breakthrough and authentic life transformation Elisa Pulliam is a gifted teacher and inspirational speaker, engaging audiences through the practical, personal, and winsome ways she communicates life change principles. Lisa, as she prefers to be called, is passionate about simplifying the way forward by helping her listeners understand how the heart, mind, soul, and body function as an integrated whole and in the context of relationships. Her messages pour out of her own transformation journey combined with nearly twenty years spent mentoring teenage girls, a decade of coaching women from around the world, and her training as…


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