Holy Whole: Guiding You Into Wellness Through Wholehearted Devotion to God


It’s too easy to super-spiritualize our Christian walk, investing in our quiet time and serving and giving while putting off the stewardship of our bodies on hold.

Maybe that’s where you find yourself today, with a little too much weight hanging on your hips. Maybe your endurance is waning because you’re out of shape. Maybe it’s nagging health issues. If that is where you find yourself, I’m here to give you hope that there is a way out. You can change! You can experience freedom from guilt and shame.

You can wholeheartedly care for your emotional, spiritual, and physical health!

Our journey may not look the same, but the way forward is — to make the decision to walk in wholehearted devotion to the Lord. The goal is for you to seek God for wisdom and direction to discover your steps towards wellness as a holy whole woman.

Holy Whole. It has quite a ring to it, doesn’t it? But what exactly does it mean? And what does pursuing wellness through wholehearted devotion to God look like?

Becoming holy whole is about wholeheartedly stewarding your heart, mind, soul, and body together as one whole part for God’s glorious Kingdom purposes.

It’s time to stop treating our spiritual lives and emotional health as separate from our physical bodies. God designed our body to function as one whole entity — as His temple housing our heart, mind, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:56, Mark 12:3031).

This principle of loving God with everything is so important that Jesus teaches it as the greatest commandment, adding to it that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. But how often do we neglect to care for our body, which houses our heart, mind, soul, while running off to take care of others? I’m not saying that it is wrong to be “others focused.” We should absolutely consider how we can best express God’s love in practical ways. But we also need to see how the care of our own body is critical to the call God has placed on our lives to serve Him first and foremost.

Becoming Holy Whole Begins with Wholehearted Devotion to God


Our physical health is as important as our spiritual and emotional health. Each part’s healthy function matters significantly to the other.

I’ve spent the last decade teaching the Word of God, investing in ministry, serving needs at church and beyond, and experiencing heart-healing transformation. All good stuff, right? But at the same time, I neglected to care for my health. Oh, I made it to the gym from time to time, but “work” always came first. I was eating “on-the-go” and pushing off bedtime to get more done. I believed the lie,“If I can get one more thing done, then I’ll feel great.” But even with a conquered to-do list, great never does come. Wouldn’t you agree?

Not only did I neglect my health, but I gave in to my cravings, especially when it came to comfort foods and sugary sweets. I was blinded, maybe like you are, to my own idol of comfort, because it had been my god my whole life. I had no idea that idol was also directly linked to a majority of my health issues as well as my slow but steady weight gain. With each passing year, I felt worse and worse. Maybe you can relate?

It’s too easy to super-spiritualize our Christian walk, investing in our quiet time and serving and giving while putting off the stewardship of our bodies.

Maybe that’s where you find yourself today, with a little too much weight hanging on your hips. Maybe your endurance is waning because you’re out of shape. Maybe it’s nagging health issues. If that is where you find yourself, I’m here to give you hope that there is a way out. You can change! You can experience freedom from guilt and shame.

You can wholeheartedly care for your emotional, spiritual, and physical wellness!

Our journey may not look the same, but the way forward is — to make the decision to walk in wholehearted devotion to the Lord. The goal is for you to seek God for wisdom and direction to discover your steps towards wellness as a holy whole woman.

I’m here to be your guide and number one cheerleader. You can count on me to coach you into holy whole living! In this Holy Whole resource, you’ll find five short chapters designed to help you:

    • understand how to be wholeheartedly devoted to God
    • pinpoint what landed you in this stuck and defeated place
    • uncover why holiness matters in the stewardship of your body
    • investigate the heart issues that are being falsely fed by food
    • gain the courage to pursue the healing work of Jesus Christ
    • discover how your thought-life is influencing your habits
    • learn how to embrace the truth to guide your actions

At the end of each chapter, you’ll find Embrace a Holy Pause, which offers reflection questions to take each chapter’s content deeper into personal application. You’ll also find two Savor the Scripture opportunities to dig deeper into the Word.

Following chapter 5, you’ll find the Holy Whole Vision Plan worksheets. By the time you’re done with this journey, you’ll have your Holy Whole Vision Plan completed with truths from God’s Word to shape how you think about stewardship of your whole temple —  heart, mind, soul, and body. 

If you’re the type of gal that needs in-the-flesh support, we can definitely work together. You can request a consultation session by completing this form. I’ll be in touch to let you know my availability to work with you in the Holy Whole Coaching Program. I’d like to say you’ll finish this journey at some point, but chances are this will be a life-long endeavor.

Holy Whole: Guiding You Into Wellness Through Wholehearted Devotion to God #Moretobe #BiblicalTransformation #Wellness


You’re going to learn a new way of thinking about your body that will change your living for the better . . . forever.

Don’t let doubt or defeating thinking hold you back. Sister, you can start your holy whole journey today.


Get the Holy Whole workbook for FREE when you register for the Holy Whole 30-Day Challenge Coaching Group here.



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