{3.31} Capture Those Whatevers

:: this post is a part of the 3.31 IMPACT series ::

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Philippians 4:8 ESV
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.


Have you ever thought about the need to manage your thought life?  Have you stopped recently to consider what’s going into your mind, especially through the influences of media and culture (think internet, TV, music, magazines) and the people (such as family, friends, teachers, leaders, mentors) in your life? In other words, do you realize that your thoughts have the power to affect how you feel and the ways in which you behave?

It is so important to consider how we process information and respond to the influences upon us, so that we can determine if what we are thinking lines up with what is actually true.

All truth is found in Scripture and revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, who is the Counselor of Truth given to those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord. Yet, the Lord’s guiding and leading requires our active participation.

[Tweet “We need to be willing to consider what is really true as opposed to what we feel as true.”]

It is all too easy to be swayed and deceived by the opinions of others. Instead, we need to become women who actively consider the whatevers of our feelings in light of the whatevers in the Scriptures.

This means we must learn how to take captive every thought and emotional response, and decide how to respond to what we feel is true according to what the Word says is true (2 Corinthians 10:5). Like a little girl running through a field with a butterfly net, we need to picture ourselves carrying a net to trap our thoughts.  Just as that little darling is focused intently on that one butterfly, carefully pursuing it with the desire to trap it, study it, and own it, we have to be as intentional with our thoughts. If the “captured thought” lines up with Scripture, we get to keep it and respond appropriately. But if it doesn’t, we need to demolish that thought through the power of the word.

For every emotion, feeling, influence that rises up in us, we need to embrace the “whatevers” God calls us to focus on . . . those thing that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellence, worthy of praise!



Heavenly Father, please convict my spirit when I accept the influences of this world without considering the ramifications on my life. Help me, O Lord, to be a woman who takes captive every thought and makes sure it lines up with the Word. Give me a desire to live according to the “whatevers” you give us, rather than the “whatevers” of my emotions. In Your Son’s Name, Amen!


Are you guided by emotion or truth? Are your thoughts running your life or is the Word of God guiding your actions?

For additional encouragement, check out  Mental Makeover, oneDegree, 10 Relevant Truths.


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3 thoughts on “{3.31} Capture Those Whatevers”

  1. Surrender! One of my favorite words – for myself and for teaching my grandchildren. There is such joy and peace as we learn more and more to surrender ourselves fully to Him in all ways. Have a blessed week.

  2. Love this Elisa – cuz it’s a lot like my One-Word Devos. You can get so much out of a word and a little bit of reflection!
    Have a wonderful & and blessed week!

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