{intro} His Revolutionary Love Kickoff




We’re so glad your are here and exited to introduce you to Lynn Cowell, as she lead us through this study of her book His Revolutionary Love. It will be well worth your investment!

First Things

There are a couple of things you’ll need to get started. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to download the free leadership guide from the freebies section on Lynn Cowell’s website, {click this link}.  Not only will you find the free leadership guide, but many other free resources that will enhance this study with your girl.

Second, each of you will need a copy of His Revolutionary Love, which you can in print from Proverbs 31 Ministries or in Kindle form from Amazon. I say each of you because this book also works like a journal; filled with questions, many of them personal. Your girl might not want you to read her questions or vice versa. If choose to share a book, just be aware that it may prohibit her from sharing at her deepest level, unless you each grab a journal or notebook to record your answers.

Preparing for Week One

For week one, I want you to read the introduction with your girl. For some books, maybe the introduction is not that important, but in His Revolutionary Love if you don’t read the introduction, you and your girl won’t connect with me! The introduction contains much of my story. When I wrote His Revolutionary Love, I wrote it with a picture of a teen girl in front of me. I named her Samantha. My heart was to write it in such a way that it would feel as if I was sitting down at Starbucks with Samantha, sharing my heart. I hope that is how you and your girl will feel too!

A Little Assignment

This week, after reading the introduction, I encourage you to share your story with your girl if you have not. I know that for many of you this is terrifying! I am not saying you have to tell her all of the details, but if your heart is to truly connect with your girl, that will happen so much more if you are willing to be vulnerable.

As I did in the introduction, share with her what your biggest struggles in school were.

Did you struggle with boys?

Your parents?

Finding a group to be a part of?

Share with her how you found Jesus.

Did someone share Him with you?

Where you in a desperate place where you simply cried out to Him?

On page 20, I encourage you to invite a friend to join you. Can I reiterate this again? I went through this study with my 16 year old and her very good friend as well as my 14 year old and 5 of her friends. Inviting another girl to join you is good for two reasons:

1) You are pouring God’s truth into another girl!

2) When this study is over, your girl will have a friend to live out this truth with! This is something she will really need in the years to come!

This week is just what it is called…an introduction. A time for you to ease into the study with your girl. Finish the time by talking about some fun things you would like to do together this summer — a time where you will intentionally give your girl 100% of your attention.

Can I pray for you?

Dear Jesus,

I pray that my girl will really get deep in her spirit that she is yours and you live in her. May this truth give her the strength and confidence to make the hard choices when she is in sticky situations. Give her the understanding that guys were never meant to fill up her heart and when we do it smothers them; often causes them to run.

May my girl run to you, Jesus for everything her heart needs.

Holy Spirit, I pray that I would sense your presence and your leading each time my girl and I go through His Revolutionary Love. Ignite a fiery love for you in her heart that lasts her entire life time.

In Jesus’ Name,


I hope you have had a chance to go through the introduction with your girl. As my daughter said as we got ready to read it, “Mom, I never read the intro. This intro was different!”

Introductory Video

Today’s video is part one of the first message I give at my “Revolutionary Love” conference. The first few videos in our study will be longer than the later ones; it is 15 minutes in length. If you would like to purchase the message in it’s entirety, just click here.

I would love to hear from you what comments your girl has to say after watching this video!

Come back next week for more from the TWOgether study of His Revolutionary Love.





Lynn Cowell is an author and speaker with Proverbs 31Ministries. She has been married for over 25 years and has a grown son and two daughters in high school. She has written two books His Revolutionary Love and Devotions for a Revolutionary Year. Her favorite things include the mountains, well-worn sweatshirts and anything that combines chocolate and peanut butter. To connect with Lynn, you can find her at LynnCowell.com, Facebook, and Twitter.

2 thoughts on “{intro} His Revolutionary Love Kickoff”

  1. Hi Friends, I am so glad we get to invest in our girls together! Thank you for making this a priority in your life; helping your girl find the One True Love. You will never regret spending your time this way! I look forward to hearing from you!


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