Mentoring Mondays: What I Learned About Mentoring

I’m so excited to share with you an interview with a mentor mom, Monica, who I met through the six week M2B Mentoring course. She devoted her time and heart toward the study and training, making interacting with her a real delight.  Be ready to be inspired and motivated to get mentoring as you read this interview in which Monica shares about what she learned as she read Impact My Life and through the M2B Mentoring Training Course.


Monica, will you tell us a bit about yourself?

I have an amazing husband Michael and a soon to be six year old princess, Victoria. We also have two dogs, Peanut and Daisy, and one betta fish, Zack. We call Florida our home, where I am stay-at-home-mom and busy homeschooling daughter. I love my “job” taking care of my husband, home, and homeschooling even though it can be a challenge for me.  I am also currently leading our Special Needs Ministry at my church, Hand in Hand. My husband and I are small group leaders on Wednesday nights at our church and I am a leader of our women’s ministry, Womanity.

What is one thing you learned through this course about yourself, Scripture, or God, that has changed how you approach life and the relationships around you?

I have learned about myself that I am equipped to mentor others. I am not perfect but God can still use me. I’ve also learned that I need boundaries in my mentoring. Through reading Impact My Life and taking the M2B Mentoring Training Course, I now clearly know what those boundaries should like.

Mentoring and the Bible

As a result of the M2B Mentoring Training Course, the bible has become more alive to be than ever before, because I discovered that His word is my greatest tool as I seek to mentor others.

God really spoke to me through this study. It came at a time when I needed to understand the basic biblical principals outline in Impact My Life, so that I would be able to get the most out of a conference I was about to attend.  I can see how I now have a new found confidence about myself and who God has created me to be. I am seeing my relationships in a whole different way. I am noticing the opportunities that God is putting before me to be mentored and learn, and I am also recognizing those women who have been pouring into me in unique ways. I am now treasuring those moments of connection.

2. What did mentoring mean to you before you took the 6 week Mentoring Training Course? And What does it mean to you now?

Mentoring meant being under someone to in order to help me to grow and stretch.  However, I didn’t always notice though those moments because I thought it  had to be this formal meeting with an agenda. I also thought mentoring was about having all the answers for those I mentored.

Now I know that biblical mentoring is combination of mentoring and discipleship.

I am qualified to mentor because I seek and study his word, I am doing my best to live like Jesus, and I allow Him to use me through my past experiences. I am a vessel that God uses to help others navigate and direct them to Him and His word not my opinion.

3. What is one thing you’d say to someone afraid of stepping into a mentoring role or pointing on a mentoring mind-set today?

I would encourage them to pray and seek God. I would say, as Elisa writes in Impact My Life “…that in order to mentor others we have to be following Christ distinctly.” We need to be in the word and in relationship with Christ, and to have a self honest examination with God. I’ve also learned through this course and in Impact My Life that we have to look at the excuses that the enemy is is deliberately throwing to undermine our confidence, because he stops our effectiveness to impact others. Honestly, I can go on and on about why you should take this course and read Impact My Life because I have learned so much through this study written and led by Elisa.

So aren’t you ready to sign up for the next M2B Mentoring Training Course?

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