Seize the Day!

Ever start your day with good intentions?

Last week I began with the best of them. With to-do list in hand, I set out to strike through the many tasks I’d put off for way too long and dive into an important project I’d completely ignored.

I was determined to get things done. God had given me a specific task to complete and I couldn’t wait to see where the project would lead.

So, with a spring in my step, I dropped the kids off at school a little early and raced back home to begin my productive day.


seize the day

My plans didn’t go as intended.

With several unexpected interruptions, my morning dissolved before I’d even made a dent in my ever-growing plans.  What began as a vision of accomplishments and a lovely family dinner ended with a frantic rush from school to school for carpool pickup and a quick drive-through of burgers and fries.

I had allowed the enemy to steal my opportunity. Little by little, I’d thrown away each moment on other things that could have waited until another time.

Ever have a day like mine?

So often we set out with good intentions. We make great plans and set out to climb those mountains to reach the other side.  Then life happens and we find ourselves trapped in the busyness with an even longer list of things to do.

The enemy will use all sorts of things to keep us from our accomplishments: fear, financial problems, family issues—even ‘good service’ tasks that can keep us too busy to fulfill God’s plan.

2 Timothy 4:2

…so proclaim the Message with intensity; keep on your watch. Challenge, warn, and urge your people. Don’t ever quit. Just keep it simple.

What has God given you to accomplish?

Get to it.

“Carpe diem”—Seize the day!

God has big plans for each of us. Let’s seize the day and do that very thing He’s planned. {click to tweet}


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{Option 1} Share Your Story: Link up to a post you’ve written about that reveals God transforming work in your life, but be sure to mention Transformed Tuesdays at More to Be in a link or use our button.

{Option 2} Focus on the Key Verse: Link up a post in which you share your thoughts on the key verse from above, and mention Transformed Tuesdays at More to Be in a link or use our button.

{Option 3} Spread It Around: Share the Scripture graphic from above!

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