Month: November 2014

Draw Near to Him

Putting Both Oars In

Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. It was the week before school was going to start. I didn’t feel ready to throw in the towel on summer yet; I still had some fight left in me. So one day I threw the kids in the car and told them we were going on an adventure. They love surprises. We pulled up to a park we go to often. They screamed, “The park, yay!” Little did they know there was more. You see, at this park they have a place where you…

Arise, and Shine Bright {resource and giveaway}

There have been seasons in my life in which if feels as though God lays on me a particular message — a theme by which I am suppose to concentrate on living out a lesson and embrace a biblical truth. At times, these themes form my “one word” focus, but there are other times that these theme words come and go throughout particular times of trials and challenges. At the brink of learning about a friend’s battle with cancer, God was putting it on my heart to learn how to praise Him in the moment. There couldn’t have been a…

Raising a Strong Willed Child

Confessions of a Strong Willed Woman Raising a Strong Willed Girl

Oh yes, I’m a strong-willed woman, and I passionately hate that label. It makes me feel like everything that the Scriptures say I shouldn’t be. I’ve spent years looking deep inside to find a gentle, even-tempered, compassionate-oozing woman. She’s there. I’ve found her at times. But more often than not, she’s buried beneath the weight of a determined, focused, and justice-minded personality. Let’s just say, I’ve found the journey of being strong-willed to be anything but easy. Which means the one person in my life I have the most compassion for is my strong-willed daughter. I see her struggles and…


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